Rural Broadband Improvements will be Costly

Dan Industry News Release, Technology

The president promised to improve broadband service to rural areas as part of his nationwide infrastructure plan. Bloomberg says it would take roughly $80 billion to expand broadband to all rural areas in America that need it. However, Trump’s most recent spending proposals only set aside $25 million over the next ten years on rural infrastructure needs. Only 55 percent …

Perdue Comments on Rural Broadband Needs

Dan Industry News Release, Technology

On the way to Iowa this week, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue told a White House press pool that broadband internet has become the infrastructure of necessity in rural areas. His comments came as President Trump toured agriculture education facilities in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to learn more about agriculture technology, and to pledge a focus on rural broadband in his infrastructure …

Trump Pledges to Include Rural Broadband in Infrastructure Plan

Dan Industry News Release, Technology

President Donald Trump pledged to include rural broadband in his infrastructure plan while in Iowa Wednesday. The President visited Kirkwood University in Cedar Rapids, Iowa to talk agricultural technology, and held a rally in downtown Cedar Rapids. Trump was joined by Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross while highlighting the need to expand rural broadband to give …