Can Corn and Oil Live Together?

Dan Corn, Industry News Release

Oil-state Republican legislators met with President Trump on Thursday to discuss the Renewable Fuels Standard. They left with a directive from the president to figure out a compromise that would work out for both the oil and renewable fuels industries. Politico says Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe was one of the lawmakers who met with Trump. “The president wants us to …

Trump to Meet with Cruz, Oil Industry, Regarding RFS

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Senator Ted Cruz will get his meeting with President Donald Trump regarding biofuels. Reuters reports that Trump has agreed to meet with Cruz and representatives from the oil refining industry to discuss the Renewable Fuel Standard. The White House says the discussion could set the stage for negotiations over possible legislation to overhaul the RFS. Cruz has blocked the confirmation …

RFS Volumes Again Fail to Capture Biodiesel’s Potential

Dan Biotechnology, Energy, Industry News Release, Soybeans

The American Soybean Association (ASA) calls the final biodiesel and advanced biofuels volumes released by the Environmental Protection Agency another example of a missed opportunity to capture the full potential and value of biodiesel. In the rule, EPA calls for biomass-based diesel volumes within the Renewable Fuel Standard of 2.1 billion gallons for 2019, the same level established for 2018, …

EPA Finalizes RFS Volumes for 2018 and Biomass-Based Diesel Volumes for 2019

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized a rule that establishes the required renewable fuel volumes under the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) program for 2018, and biomass-based diesel for 2019. “Maintaining the renewable fuel standard at current levels ensures stability in the marketplace and follows through with my commitment to meet the statutory deadlines and lead the Agency by upholding …

Ethanol Groups Applaud EPA Point of Obligation Announcement

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Last week’s decision by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to reject petitions to change the Renewable Fuel Standard point of obligation drew applause from ethanol groups. The American Coalition for Ethanol, known as ACE, said in a statement that the coalition is “grateful EPA is rejecting to change the rules for a handful of greedy refiners” who they say want …

EPA Maintains RFS Point of Obligation Requirement

Dan Energy, Environment, Industry News Release

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) decided Wednesday to maintain the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) Point of Obligation. A Farm Futures Dot Com report notes that EPA administrator Scott Pruitt followed through on a promise to a group of Midwest senators that he would deny a petition from oil refiners to change the point of obligation. He followed through on Wednesday …

Senator Cruz Writes Iowa Governor Over RFS Dispute, Northey Hold

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Before Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds traveled to Texas to lobby for the removal of a hold on Bill Northey’s Department of Agriculture nomination, Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz pressured Reynolds to reach a deal on the Renewable Fuel Standard. Cruz has placed a hold on Northey’s nomination to USDA, who is currently serving as Iowa’s Agriculture Secretary. In a letter …

Northey Comments on Nomination Delay

Dan Industry News Release

Department of Agriculture nominee Bill Northey says he expects the hold on his nomination will be resolved, but in the meantime, is fulfilling his duties in Iowa. During a speech last week in Iowa, Northey said he’s not bothered by his current situation, adding that “until that political skirmish is settled, my days are, for the most part, consumed with …

Cruz Outlines Hold on Northey Nomination, Wants RFS Meeting

Dan Industry News Release, Legislative

Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz wants the Trump administration to organize a meeting on the Renewable Fuel Standard and is holding up the Bill Northey nomination until the meeting is planned. Cruz has placed a hold on Northey’s nomination as the Department of Agriculture undersecretary for farm production and conservation. Eight other Senators are also seeking a compromise on the …