R-CALF Files Class Action Lawsuit against Beef Packers

Dan Beef, Cattle, Industry News Release

The Scott+Scott law firm has filed a class action lawsuit in federal district court in Chicago on behalf of R-CALF USA and four cattle-feeding ranchers from Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, and Wyoming. The suit alleges the nation’s four largest beef packers violated U.S. antitrust laws, the Packers and Stockyards Act, and the Commodity Exchange Act by unlawfully depressing prices paid to …

R-CALF Praises Introduction of Beef Checkoff Reform Legislation

Dan Cattle, Industry News Release

Legislation reintroduced last week seeks to reform the beef checkoff program. The Voluntary Check-Off Program Participation Act, reintroduced by Senate Republicans Mike Lee of Utah and Rand Paul of Kentucky, would “allow producers to vote freely with their pocketbooks regarding whether they are individually satisfied with the checkoff’s performance,” according to R-CALF USA CEO Bill Bullard. R-CALF applauded the reintroduction …

R-CALF Looking for COOL in NAFTA

Dan Cattle, Industry News Release, Trade

R-CALF is hopeful the details of the U.S.-Mexico announcement as part of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) negotiations will include country-of-origin meat labeling. R-CALF, a long-time supporter of COOL, in a statement by its CEO said: “We hope that a further release of details will show that COOL will be required for Mexican beef and beef from Mexican …

NCBA Calls R-CALF Effort an Attack on Beef Checkoff

Dan Cattle, Industry News Release

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) alleges that R-CALF (Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund) is attacking the beef checkoff. Last week, R-CALF asked for an injunction against collection of checkoff funds be expanded to 13 more states. The injunction currently only applies to Montana. In a statement, R-CALF says its members in other states “object to being required to turn over their …