Agri View: Organic Foods Growing

Dan Agri View, Organic

Everett Griner talks about organic foods covers more in today’s Agri View.     Now, what began as a social fad has turned into a worldwide heath obsession. Organic foods. It has grown from a small number of independent growers to nearly 25,000 certified organic operations. That is in America. Worldwide the number is now estimated at over 37,000 certified …

Alabama Producers Can Apply for Organic Cost Share Programs

Dan Alabama, Industry News Release, Organic

The Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries (ADAI) wants to remind growers and handlers of organic agricultural products that they can recover part of the cost of their USDA certification. Through USDA, funds have been allocated to reimburse producers and handlers who either obtain or renew their organic certification in the fiscal year that ends September 30, 2017. The reimbursement …

Organic Industry to Create Anti-fraud Task Force

Dan Industry News Release, Organic

A task force started by the Organic Trade Association will work on best-practices to verify international organic products. The anti-fraud task force will create guidelines for the private sector to use in verifying its international supply chains. The task force follows news of a shipment of fraudulent organic corn and soybeans that entered the United States from Turkey. The task …

USDA Seeks Nominations for the National Organic Standards Board

Dan Industry News Release, Organic

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is seeking nominations to fill an upcoming vacancy on the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB), a Federal advisory committee. Written nominations, with cover letter, resume, and an advisory committee background information form, must be postmarked or received on or before by Aug. 7, 2017. The 15 member NOSB includes four organic farmers; two handlers; …

Organic Wine Study-Price or Taste?

Dan Organic, Specialty Crops, This Land of Ours

You swish around a sip of organic wine in your mouth and it might tempt your taste buds, but that doesn’t mean you’ll pay more for it. Cathy Isom tells us wine lovers aren’t willing to pay more for that bottle, even if it’s labeled organic. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.   Organic agriculture around the world …

Reebok to Manufacture Shoes Made from Corn, Organic Cotton

Dan Corn, Cotton, Industry News Release, Organic

Reebok will begin making shoes from corn and organic cotton later this year. The initiative is an effort to create more sustainable products. A Reebok spokesperson says: “Reebok is trying to clean up the entire life cycle of shoe making,” Reebok says the sole of the new shoe will be made with petroleum-free, non-toxic industrial-grown corn, while the body of …

Study: 82% of U.S. Households Buy Organic Regularly

Dan Industry News Release, Organic

A recent study by the Organic Trade Association finds that 82 percent of U.S. households in the lower 48 states buy organic products regularly. The Association says those findings build a strong case for continued U.S. Department of Agriculture funding under incoming secretary Sonny Perdue. Laura Batcha (Bat-cha), CEO and Executive Director of the Association, says, “The organic community is …

U.S. Lacking in Organic Meat Processors

Dan Industry News Release, Organic

A report from the Organic Farming Research Foundation says the United States lacks enough organic meat processors. In the National Organic Research Agenda Report, the group concluded that although sales of U.S.-produced organic food exceed $6 billion annually, federal funding into organic production has not kept pace. Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundJuly 15, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst …

Organic Farmers Group Growing

Dan Industry News Release, Organic

The Organic Farmers Association is gaining momentum, according to Politico. The group, organized by the Rodale (roh-dale) Institute, has formed a steering committee and will hold leadership elections early next year. The panel includes 12 voting seats for certified organic farmers and seven non-voting seats for organic farm organizations. The Rodale Institute says the organization has “several hundred members” that …