Farm Groups Keep Pressure On to Formalize Meat Definition

Dan Beef, Industry News Release

The National Farmers Union has sent a second letter to the Food and Drug Administration regarding the labeling of cell-cultured meat. The letter calls for officials to finally formalize the definition of protein products that don’t come from livestock and are currently labeled as cell-cultured “meat.” The industry website Meating Place Dot Com says the group wants the FDA to …

Hurricane Changes Fly-in Schedule for Ag Groups

Dan Industry News Release, Legislative, Pork, Weather

Hurricane Florence is adding another wrinkle to the farm bill process as farmers are being asked to return home Wednesday (09.12.18) as part of the National Pork Producers Council legislative fly-in. Pork producers this week were there to talk trade, the farm bill and labor issues with lawmakers, according to the Hagstrom Report. NPPC also seeks “proper regulatory authority for …

National Farmers Union DC Fly-in This Week

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Legislative

National Farmers Union members head to Capitol Hill this week at a critical time for agriculture issues. NFU is hosting 350 farmers as part of a fly-in event. The farmers will meet face-to-face with top Trump administration officials and members of Congress. The fly-in kicks off Wednesday with an event at the Department of Agriculture. On Thursday and Friday, participants …

NFU: Beef Producers Disadvantaged by Current “Product of U.S.A” Labeling Standards

Dan Beef, Cattle, Exports/Imports, Industry News Release

The National Farmers Union (NFU) Thursday told the Department of Agriculture U.S. meat labeling standards are disadvantaging U.S. beef producers by allowing products born, raised, or slaughtered outside of the United States to carry the “Product of the U.S.A.” label. NFU wrote to USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service, that the standards “need to be changed immediately.” The NFU action …

Deliver a Farm Bill before Current Law Expires

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Legislative

America’s two largest farm groups are delivering a loud message to farm bill negotiators: ‘Don’t get hung up on differences, deliver a farm bill before current law expires, September 30th. With the lowest farm income in 12-years and a tariff war depleting U.S. market share overseas, American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF), National Farmers Union NFU) and more than 150 other …

Farming Groups Call for Swift Farm Bill Passage

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Legislative

The two largest farming groups in the United States called for swift passage of the farm bill by a congressional conference committee. Faced with the lowest farm income in 12 years, the presidents of the American Farm Bureau Federation and National Farmers Union are asking Senate and House conferees to move quickly. Everything from commodity price supports to childhood nutrition, …

NFU Urges Long-Term Trade Solutions in Farm Bill

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

In a letter to lawmakers, National Farmers Union (NFU) President Roger Johnson emphasized the need to address agricultural economic hardships in the 2018 farm bill. The NFU Board of Directors unanimously approved the motion to send the letter during a meeting held Monday afternoon. With an already grim farm economy, an escalating global trade war, and uncertainty in export markets, …

Farmers Set to Attend the NFU Beginning Farmers Institute

Dan Education, Industry News Release

The National Farmers Union says twenty beginning farmers and ranchers from across the United States will participate in the 2018-2019 Beginning Farmers Institute Program. The institute is designed to help the next generation of farmers to succeed by providing mentorship, technical training, as well as leadership development for participants. NFU President Roger Johnson says his group is happy to welcome …

NFU, Canada Farmers Group, Make Joint Statement Supporting Trade

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

National Farmers Union (NFU) President Roger Johnson made a joint statement with the Canadian Federation of Agriculture supporting agricultural trade. The statement was prompted by President Trump’s lashing out against Canada over the weekend and early this week regarding dairy trade, and other issues included in the North American Free Trade Agreement renegotiation effort. Johnson, along with CFA President Ron …