National Farmers Union Submits NAFTA Comments to USTR

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The National Farmers Union is urging the Donald Trump administration to craft a new, fair trade framework for international trade deals that benefits rural America through the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement. In public comments submitted to U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, NFU President Roger Johnson highlighted the alleged shortcomings of the United States’ current free trade …

NFU Urges Immediate Adoption of Farmer Fair Practices Rules

Dan Industry News Release

The Farmer Fair Practices Rules, a set of three rules that provide very basic protections for farmers and ranchers, were released in December 2016 to address the most anti-competitive and abusive practices levied against family farmers by meatpackers and processors. Because the rules are being reviewed by the new administration, National Farmers Union (NFU) is urging the U.S. Department of …

Ag Groups Respond to White House Budget Cuts

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

President Trump’s Budget is an Assault on the Farm Safety Net and Rural Communities, National Farmers Union Says President Donald J. Trump issued the detailed fiscal year 2018 federal budget proposal, recommending drastic cuts to agricultural and rural related agencies and programs. The proposal would cut Farm Bill programs by nearly $230 billion and slash the U.S. Department of Agriculture …

NFU, Coalition of Rural Organizations Oppose Elimination of Rural Development Mission Area and Under Secretary

Dan Industry News Release

Highlighting the important work carried out by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development, National Farmers Union (NFU) and a diverse coalition of rural organizations are calling on Congress to prevent any attempt to eliminate the Rural Development Mission Area (RD) and the Office of the Under Secretary for Rural Development. The groups outlined their concerns in a letter to members …

NFU Calls on FTC to Oppose ChemChina Acquisition of Syngenta

Dan Industry News Release

Continuing a long tradition of advocating for competitive marketplaces for family farmers and ranchers, National Farmers Union (NFU) urged the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to oppose the proposed China National Chemical Corp’s (ChemChina) acquisition of Syngenta AG. In public comments to FTC Secretary Donald S. Clark, NFU President Roger Johnson asserted that the deal further consolidates the highly globalized agricultural …

NFU Urging Trump to Keep U.S. in Paris Climate Agreement

Dan Industry News Release

  As President Donald Trump weighs the merits of keeping the United States in the Paris Agreement, National Farmers Union (NFU) is urging the administration to maintain U.S. commitments to global leadership on climate change. The Paris Agreement is vital to enhancing the climate resiliency of family farm operations and rural communities, and it allows family farmers and ranchers to …

Trump Executive Order Reverses American Climate Change Progress, Leadership

Dan Environment, Industry News Release

In a sweeping and regressive executive order on energy, President Donald Trump today reversed years of progress in the U.S.-led fight against climate change. The order dismantles critical Obama-era policies that prepare the United States to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change. “Climate change jeopardizes American food security and the livelihoods of American family farmers, ranchers and …

NFU Approves of Bill Adding USDA to Foreign Investment Committee

Dan Industry News Release

The National Farmers Union is supporting a bill that would add the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States. The Food Security is National Security Act, introduced in the Senate by Michigan Democrat Debbie Stabenow and Iowa Republican Chuck Grassley, also directs the committee …