Canadian Business Council Says NAFTA Agreement Possible this Week

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Business groups in Canada say it is possible that Canada could agree to a framework deal on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) this week, in line with a Trump administration goal. Talks are underway between the U.S. and Canada in hopes an updated handshake agreement can be reached, after the U.S. announced an agreement with Mexico. The CEO …

Farm Groups Respond to NAFTA Announcement

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Farm country overall shows reserved optimism regarding the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) announcement Monday. The announcement marks a step forward, as Mexico and the U.S. have a basic agreement in place. However, with Canada yet to be included, many questions remain. Farmers for Free Trade director Brian Kuehl says there is “significant work that remains” in delivering on …

Canada Next for NAFTA

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

A trade official from Mexico is hopeful to bring Canada back into the North American Free Trade Agreement talks to reach a three-way agreement, as early as next week. The comments come as the U.S. and Mexico were close to a “handshake” agreement Thursday, helping calm some anxieties for agriculture amidst the global trade turmoil. Politico reports that the top …

Mexico, U.S., Expected to Announce NAFTA Agreement Thursday

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

A handshake between Mexico and the United States is expected today (Thursday) on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Politico reports the Trump administration is planning to formally announce a breakthrough with Mexico on the talks, which could pave the way for Canada to resume negotiations with the United States. The announcement is “on the schedule,” however, plans can, …

Canadians Happy with Trudeau Handling of NAFTA

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Canadians are supportive of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s handling of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Canada is expected to rejoin the talks this week, as the U.S. and Mexico are working to reach an agreement. Meanwhile, a Canadian public opinion research firm, says 56 percent of Canadians approve of Trudeau’s handling of the ongoing NAFTA talks, representing an …

NAFTA Talks Reach One-Year Mark, Close to U.S. Mexico Agreement

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) renegotiation effort passed the one-year anniversary this week. A year ago Thursday, the U.S., Canada and Mexico convened for the start of the renegotiation talks. Now, the U.S. could be nearing a deal on NAFTA, at least with Mexico. Politico reports the political situation in both countries is such that each is more …

Coalition Pushing for COOL in NAFTA for Beef and Pork

Dan Beef, Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Pork

The Coalition for a Prosperous America is urging the U.S. to include Country-of-Origin Labeling (COOL) for beef and pork in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Negotiations. Coalition member, R-CALF, says in a news release that reinstatement of COOL labeling will help U.S. consumers “to find safer food alternatives and will also help to boost domestic agriculture.” R-CALF points …