
E-Verify Divides Republican Leaders as Session Starts

Dan Industry News Release, Labor and Immigration

(NSF) — Gov. Ron DeSantis’ push for a politically charged immigration proposal has begun to expose a clash between Republicans as this year’s legislative session starts. The governor kicked off the session Tuesday by reminding lawmakers about one of his top priorities: a proposed mandate for all Florida employers to use the federal government’s E-Verify system to check new hires …

Possible E-Verify Compromise Emerges

Dan Industry News Release, Labor and Immigration

(NSF) — The Republican-dominated Legislature has long pushed back against requiring employers to conduct immigration background checks for new hires, but a bill filed Friday includes a potential compromise that could hand a win to Gov. Ron DeSantis on the controversial issue. The bill, filed by Rep. Cord Byrd, R-Neptune Beach, would require government employers — such as state agencies …


Senate President Balks at Governor’s E-Verify Proposal

Dan Florida, Industry News Release, Labor and Immigration

(NSF) — Gov. Ron DeSantis wants all Florida businesses to use a system to prevent undocumented immigrants from getting jobs in the state, but a powerful Republican leader is pushing back against the proposal. Senate President Bill Galvano said this week he does not support a measure that would force Florida’s private employers to use the federal government’s E-Verify system, …

Robust Debate Expected on E-Verify in Florida

Dan Florida, Industry News Release, Labor and Immigration

(NSF) — Gov. Ron DeSantis will prioritize a controversial proposal that would require Florida businesses to use a federal system to check the immigration status of new hires, but the leader of the Florida Senate said Tuesday he is “cautious” about passing such a plan. “I expect there will be a robust debate, but the case is going to have …


Trump on China Trade Talks and Mexico Immigration Deal

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Labor and Immigration, Trade

(NAFB) President Trump says in a hopeful sign for renewed trade talks with China, that he expects to meet with President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of a G20 summit in Japan later this month. Trump, speaking to reporters in the Oval Office during a meeting with Poland’s president, now says he plans to meet with China’s Xi Jinping this …

Talk of Closing Mexico Border Concerns Ag Groups

Dan Labor and Immigration

There has been a lot in the news the past few days about President Trump’s threats to close the southern border unless Mexico takes steps to stop the illegal border crossings. And the possibility of this happening concerns many ag groups. Dairy producers point out that Mexico remains the largest export market for U.S. milk products, accounting for $1.4 billion …


E-Verify Plan a Heavy Lift

Dan Florida, Industry News Release, Labor and Immigration, Legislative

Gov. Ron DeSantis’ campaign vow to require Florida businesses to use federal “E-Verify” checks on the immigration status of new hires remains a tougher lift than his call for a sanctuary-city ban, which is speeding through the Legislature. But he’s not giving up, even as he blames a lack of unanimity among Republican lawmakers for slowing the red-meat proposal that …


Trump Immigration Furor Underscored in Florida

Dan Florida, Industry News Release, Labor and Immigration

Amid escalating bipartisan demands for President Donald Trump to stop separating undocumented immigrant children from their families at the southern U.S. border, two high-ranking Florida Democrats were denied access Tuesday to a federal detention facility in Homestead housing an estimated 1,000 minors. The Trump administration family-separation policy — which has resulted in more than 2,000 children being warehoused throughout the …