Biden Immigration Bill Introduced in Congress

Dan Labor and Immigration, News from Our Sponsors

(NAFB) — Senator Bob Menendez of New Jersey and Representative Linda Sanchez of California, both Democrats, introduced President Biden’s immigration proposal into their respective chambers. The Hagstrom Report says both members of Congress say the bill will “create an earned pathway to citizenship for all 11 million undocumented immigrants, providing Dreamers, Temporary Protective Status holders, and some farm workers with …

House Vote on Guest Worker Bill in Doubt

Dan Industry News Release, Labor and Immigration

House Republican leaders appear to be going back on a promise to hold a vote ahead of the August recess on a conservative immigration bill that includes a new guest-worker program for farmers. Back in June, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy promised several members there would be a vote. Politico says House Republican leaders now don’t have any plans to …

Republicans Introduce New Immigration Bill in House

Dan Industry News Release, Labor and Immigration

Republicans in the House of Representatives have introduced a new immigration bill that they say will benefit agriculture. A Pro Farmer report says the Agriculture and Legal Workforce Act would take the place of the current H-2A visa program. It would require farmers, as well as all employers, to use the E-Verify Program to make sure that all their workers …

American Farm Bureau Board Votes Unanimously to Support Goodlatte AG Act Provisions

Dan Industry News Release, Labor and Immigration

The American Farm Bureau Federation’s board of directors voted unanimously to support House passage of H.R. 4760, a broad immigration bill, based on the strength of agricultural labor provisions included in the legislation. “The American Farm Bureau board was resolute and unanimous in its support of these agricultural labor reforms,” said AFBF President Zippy Duvall. “Those provisions authorize a new …

Immigration Bill Won’t Affect Temporary Workers

Dan Industry News Release, Labor and Immigration

The sponsor of an immigration bill suspected to reduce the agriculture labor force in the U.S. says his legislation will not impact temporary workers, which are often used in agriculture production. Georgia Republican Senator David Perdue wrote colleagues last week after concerns were raised about how the bill would impact farm workers. Referring to comments by Senate Republican Lindsay Graham, …

Trump Endorsed Immigration Bill Could Harm Farm Labor

Dan Industry News Release, Labor and Immigration

A bill endorsed by President Donald Trump that would change the U.S. immigration system may harm farm labor. The bill by Republican Senators Tom Cotton of Arkansas and David Perdue of Georgia would reduce the number of legal immigrants coming into the United States and emphasize highly educated immigrants over what is regarded as the low-skilled laborers, which could be …