Conaway Praises EPA Repeal of WOTUS, Calls for Continued Work to Protect Farmers and Ranchers

Dan Environment, Industry News Release, Water

House Agriculture Committee Chairman K. Michael Conaway (TX-11) praised the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) announcement it is repealing the Obama administration’s waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) rule and called on other agencies to revise and re-evaluate their enforcement of this onerous provision. Following the EPA’s announcement, Chairman Conaway made the below remarks: “WOTUS has never been about clean water, it …

Conaway on U.S. Halt of Brazilian Beef

Dan Beef, Exports/Imports, Industry News Release

“U.S. consumers enjoy the safest food supply in the world…I am committed to keeping it that way.” Following U.S. Sec. of Agriculture Sonny Perdue’s announcement that the U.S. is indefinitely suspending all imports of fresh beef from Brazil, House Agriculture Committee Chairman K. Michael Conaway (TX-11) made the below remarks: “U.S. consumers enjoy the safest food supply in the world …

Ag Committee Features University Leaders in Agricultural Research

Dan Industry News Release, Research

The House Agriculture Committee held a hearing to discuss investments in agricultural research as a continuation of the committee’s hearing series on preparing for the next farm bill. Chairman K. Michael Conaway (TX-11) and members of the committee heard from various university representatives on the opportunities and challenges institutions face in ensuring the U.S. remains a world leader in agricultural …

Conaway Praises New Initiative Aimed at Clarifying Product Date Labels

Dan Industry News Release

The grocery industry announced a nationwide effort to clear up consumer confusion regarding date labels on food packaging as part of an overarching effort to combat food waste. The initiative will streamline the phrasing used on food date labels by replacing over ten existing forms with two standard phrases. Most products will bear a “BEST If Used By” label that …

House Agriculture Committee Meets

Dan Industry News Release

House Agriculture Committee holds an organizational meeting, approves Rules for 115th Congress and Chairman Conaway announces Subcommittee assignments. The House Agriculture Committee met to formally organize and adopt the committee’s rules for the 115th Congress. “I am very excited to get to work crafting policies that will benefit America’s farmers and ranchers with the help of my esteemed colleagues this …

Conaway Announces New and Returning Agriculture Committee Republican Members

Dan Industry News Release

House Agriculture Committee Chairman K. Michael Conaway (R-TX) issued the following statement in response to the House Steering Committee’s recommendation of six new members to serve on the Agriculture Committee. “This is a great group of incoming and returning members, both for the Agriculture Committee and the Republican conference as a whole. Their diverse backgrounds will be integral as the …