Protecting Honey Bees in Citrus Groves

Dan Citrus, Pollinators, Research

When people think of Florida, the first thing that comes to mind is Fresh From Florida oranges. Florida accounts for 44 percent of total U.S. citrus production. Citrus, like many other fruits, vegetables, and specialty crops, require certain inputs to grow and produce fruit. But how are pollinators and the production of citrus related? Many citrus varieties grown in Florida …

Weak Honey Bee Colonies May Fail From Cold Exposure During Shipping

Dan Industry News Release, Research

Cold temperatures inside honey bee colonies may cause colony losses during and after long-distance hauling, according to a preliminary study by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists. Every year almost 2 million honey bee colonies—nearly two-thirds of the managed colonies in the United States—are loaded aboard semi-trailers and shipped across the country multiple times to pollinate crops like California almonds. But within days …

Honey Bee Colonies More Successful By Foraging on Non-Crop Fields

Dan Industry News Release, Pollinators

Honey bee colonies foraging on land with a strong cover of clover species and alfalfa do more than three times as well than if they are put next to crop fields of sunflowers or canola, according to a study just published in Scientific Reports by an Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientist and his colleagues. Managed honey bee colonies placed from May until October next …

Agri View: Honey Bee Losses Continue to Rise

Dan Agri View, Fruits, Vegetables

Everett Griner talks about the research which goes on across the country as the honey bee losses continue to rise in today’s Agri View. Honey Bee Losses Continue to Rise One of the organizations that keeps track of the honey bee situation since long before the Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) problem has issues another of it’s annual reports. It isn’t …

Agri View: Thieves Targeting Bees

Dan Agri View

Everett Griner talks about thieves now targeting bees in today’s Agri View.       Well, not only are America’s bee farmers losing hives to unstoppable disease, mites, and stress, but in one area, they are losing hives to thieves. In one case, the culprits were arrested and 2,500 hives were recovered — 2,500 hives! Location and names are not …