Agri View: Tension Affecting Farm Exports

Dan Agri View, Exports/Imports, Soybeans

Everett Griner talks about how the tension of the trade war, and the tariff issue, has affected our soybean exports in today’s Agri View. Tension Affecting Farm Exports Soybeans are one of America’s largest crops. In total acreage it ranks right up there with cotton and corn. It goes without saying that imports are important. Up until recently China was …

Agri View: Honey Bee Losses Continue to Rise

Dan Agri View, Fruits, Vegetables

Everett Griner talks about the research which goes on across the country as the honey bee losses continue to rise in today’s Agri View. Honey Bee Losses Continue to Rise One of the organizations that keeps track of the honey bee situation since long before the Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) problem has issues another of it’s annual reports. It isn’t …

Agri View: A Look at Current Farm Politics

Dan Agri View, Corn, Energy, Trade

There have been several things going on lately in the political world that deal with agriculture. Everett Griner talks about farm politics in today’s Agri View. A Look at Current Farm Politics The farm block vote was one of Donald Trump’s strongest groups in the last presidential election. Farmers stood solidly behind his election. Recent issues that have direct impact …