Agri View: Farming Problems

Dan Agri View, Environment

Everett Griner talks about the difficulty of farming in today’s Agri View. Farming Problems A North Carolina hog farmer was fined $50 million dollars because of some of the displeasure of some of the people near his farm. Yet he operated under every state and federal regulation required. A community fought vigorously to stop a meat processing plant in Kansas. …

Agri View: The Versatile Potato

Dan Agri View, Vegetables

Everett Griner talks about the potato being the world’s most versatile vegetable in today’s Agri View. The Versatile Potato When was the last time you ate a potato? I bet it hasn’t been to long. More potatoes are eaten by more people than any other vegetable in the world. But let’s talk here in America. White potatoes, red potatoes, sweet …

Agri View: Boll Weevil Fight

Dan General

Everett Griner talks about eradication efforts of the Boll Weevil continuing in today’s Agri View. Boll Weevil Fight It took many years and millions of dollars to eradicate the Boll Weevil. Farmers and scientists never gave up. While the fight was going on, farmers continued to plant, and grow, that costly crop. Finally we conquered the Boll Weevil. Well, not …

Agri View: Luxury Pickup Truck

Dan Agri View

How many of you were raised on a farm? Do you remember your farm vehicle? Everett Griner talks about the new pickup truck is a luxury vehicle instead of a farm vehicle in today’s Agri View. Luxury Pickup Truck I read a surprising feature recently. Here is the essence of that feature. The average time a family owns a car …

Agri View: California and Other State Losses in a Trade War

Dan Agri View, Economy, Exports/Imports

The talk of a trade war has had an impact on every commodity. What about its impact on agriculture. Everett Griner talks about California and their expanding losses from the trade war and tariff talk in today’s Agri View. California and Other State Losses in a Trade War Efforts to settle this trade war between China and our country, farmers …

Agri View: Understanding How Farm Subsidies Work

Dan Agri View, Economy

Farm subsidies is something a lot of us know little to nothing about. Everett Griner talks about subsidies and how they keep keeping farms going in today’s Agri View. Everett also explains a bit about the impact tariffs have on farm subsidies. Understanding How Farm Subsidies Work Anyone who knows anything at all about modern agriculture knows that farmers depend …