Good to Not be Discussing Death Tax

Dan Cattle

There is one issue that is usually discussed at the end of each year. However, 2018 is winding down, and it is not being talked about. That is the estate tax, or death tax. National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Vice President of Government Affairs, Colin Woodall, is glad it is an issue we do not have to deal this year.

Senate Tax Writer Expects Full Repeal of Estate Tax in Senate GOP Version

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

A leading Senate tax writer expects full repeal of the estate tax in the Senate GOP version of tax reform legislation after House tax authors took a different path. Senior Senate Finance member and former chairman Chuck Grassley expect committee Republicans to opt for full repeal of the estate tax, versus just an increase in the exclusion. The House GOP …

Tax Bill Includes One of Agriculture’s Top Goals, with a Caveat

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

House Republicans are out with their tax bill, and it includes one of the agriculture’s top goals, with a caveat. Republicans plan to eliminate the estate tax. But, in a move that will ease the loss of revenue and help counter Democrats’ criticism the bill favors the rich, the GOP will double exemptions for estate taxes and then end the …

W. H. and GOP Leaders Considering Ditching Estate Tax Repeal

Dan Industry News Release

The White House and GOP Congressional leaders are considering ditching estate tax repeal and other tax breaks that Democrats charge, favor the wealthy. The idea is to pick up Democratic votes by shaping tax reform more toward the middle-class. Democrats argue estate tax repeal would benefit only the wealthy, those who die with more than $5.5 million in their estates, …

Trump Renewed Call for Full Repeal of Estate Tax

Dan Industry News Release

President Trump’s renewed call on a North Dakota visit for full repeal of the estate tax is being praised by the American Farm Bureau. But ‘death tax’ repeal faces more hurdles as tax reform advances this fall. AFBF tax adviser Pat Wolff suggests the President’s comments that the estate tax is a “tremendous burden” on family farmers can only help …

Rancher Discusses Death Tax

Dan Cattle, Economy

One of the top issues being discussed in our nation’s capital right now is tax reform, and that, of course, includes the estate tax, or death tax, as many know it. It is something the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, among other groups in agriculture, would like to see repealed. Ed Frank talks with NCBA President-elect and fifth-generation California rancher Kevin …

Tax Reform by August Unlikely

Dan Industry News Release, Legislative

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin (mi-new-chin) says getting tax reform legislation on the President’s desk by August appears unlikely. Mnuchin told the Financial Times this week the tax reform timeline is “highly aggressive to not realistic at this point,” in referring to his prior comments on finishing tax reform by August. He cites health care reforms as the delaying factor, but …