Commissioner Nikki Fried on Florida Seizing Wetlands Permitting From EPA

Dan Environment, Florida, Industry News Release, Water

(FDACS) — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) signed an agreement granting Florida authority to issue construction permits in protected wetlands, an authority previously handled for many years by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the EPA. In the 43 years since states were allowed to seek wetland permitting authority, only two had requests approved, and none since 1994. Both of …

Grants Awarded to Student Teams in Florida for Innovative Technology Projects

Dan Education, Environment, Florida, Industry News Release, Technology

(EPA) — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) awarded $25,000 to both the University of Central Florida in Orlando and Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton as part of a total of $792,036 in funding for 32 student teams through its People, Prosperity and the Planet (P3) grant program. Each team will receive funding to develop and demonstrate projects that …

Grants Awarded to Student Teams in Alabama for Innovative Technology Projects

Dan Alabama, Education, Environment, Industry News Release, Technology

(EPA) — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) awarded approximately $50,000 to the University of Alabama and $25,000 to the University of Alabama in Huntsville as part of a total of $792,036 in funding for 32 student teams through its People, Prosperity and the Planet (P3) grant program. Each team will receive funding to develop and demonstrate projects that help …

Farm & Biofuel Leaders Urge Courts to Hold EPA Accountable

Dan Biofuels/Energy, Industry News Release

(RFA) — A coalition of the nation’s largest biofuels and agricultural trade groups filed a motion in the U.S. Court of Appeals in the District of Columbia asking the court to enforce its 2017 decision requiring the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to address its improper waiver of 500 million gallons of biofuel demand in the 2016 renewable volume obligation (RVO).  The coalition, which includes the Renewable Fuels Association, Growth Energy, National …

The Navigable Waters Protection Rule – A New Definition of WOTUS

Taylor Hillman Industry News Release

At an event at the National Association of Home Builders International Builders’ Show in Las Vegas, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler and Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works R.D. James will announce a new, clear definition for “waters of the United States.” With the Navigable Waters Protection Rule, the EPA and the Department of the Army …

Label Approval for Sodium Cyanide

Dan Industry News Release, Sheep-Goats

(ASI) — Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler announced the final interim decision for the registered use of sodium cyanide. Working with U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Wildlife Services, the label for this predator control tool will include three additional use restrictions to promote public awareness and decrease non-target impacts. American Sheep Industry Association President Benny Cox said this …

Groups Respond to EPA Proposal for Year-Round E15, RINs Reform

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Renewable Fuels Association Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) President and CEO Geoff Cooper offered the following statement on EPA’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to allow year-round sales of E15 in conventional gasoline markets and modify Renewable Identification Number (RIN) provisions under the RFS:  “Today’s proposed rule means EPA is one step closer to making good on President Trump’s promise to allow …

EPA Proposes Rule to Allow E15 Waiver and to Improve RIN Market Transparency

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed regulatory changes to allow gasoline blended with up to 15 percent ethanol (E15) to take advantage of the 1-psi Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) waiver for the summer months that has historically been applied only to E10. EPA is also proposing regulatory changes to modify elements of the renewable identification number (RIN) compliance system …

EPA Administrator Pruitt Resigns

Taylor Hillman Industry News Release

The polarizing tenure of Scott Pruitt as head of the Environmental Protection Agency has come to an end. President Donald Trump tweeted on Thursday afternoon that he’s “accepted the resignation of Scott Pruitt as the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency,” noting that Pruitt has done a “good job within the Agency.” The Senate has already confirmed Deputy Administrator Andrew …

Oil Industry: EPA Makes Right Call on Not Reallocating Waived Volumes

Josh McGill Industry News Release

The American Petroleum Institute says the Environmental Protection Agency “made the right call” to not reallocate volumes of biofuels displaced by hardship waivers from the Renewable Fuel Standard. The EPA volume proposal this week included a small overall increase, but kept conventional ethanol at 15 billion gallons for 2019. API made the comments while at the same time calling the …