Canada Plans to Protect its Dairy System in New NAFTA

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release, Trade

Canada plans to protect its dairy system under a new North American Free Trade Agreement. As the first round of talks gets underway Wednesday, Canada officials say they will protect the nation’s system of tariffs and quotas that keep domestic dairy prices high and imports low. U.S. dairy farmers strongly dislike the system and want it dismantled. Canada’s Foreign Minister …

Top U.S. Milk Processor Struggling

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

A new report shows that Dean Foods Company is struggling amid slowing milk sales and rising costs. The news comes as Dean’s largest customer, Wal-Mart Stores, is preparing to open its own milk processing plant, reducing its reliance on Dean. The Texas-based milk supplier this week cut its per-share profit expectations nearly in half. Shares of Dean Foods are down …

Ag Industry Provides Testimony on NAFTA

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release, Trade

Dairy, poultry, grains, oilseeds and produce industry leaders told House Ag lawmakers this week that NAFTA modernization talks with Canada and Mexico should “do no harm” to their sectors, but only improve trade opportunities. ‘Preserve what’s working…strengthen what can be better…and fix what’s broken’ was the message from former USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack, now president and CEO of the US …

U.S. Dairy Increasing Pressure on Canada

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

The U.S. dairy lobby is putting increasing pressure on Canada as the talks to redo NAFTA draw closer. People close to the situation told Reuters that America’s dairy farmers want concessions that Canada doesn’t seem likely to grant. The deal could be a hindrance to the upcoming NAFTA talks, under which Canada sends a lot of its exports to the …

International Dairy Groups Join U.S. in Calling for Action Against Unfair Canadian Trade Policies

Dan Dairy, Trade

An international coalition of 10 dairy industry organizations, including three U.S. dairy groups, is asking their governments’ trade ministers to intercede in the increasingly acrimonious dispute over Canada’s harmful dairy policies that is having global repercussions. The groups co-signed a joint letter today requesting that their respective trade ministries “pursue all avenues available to challenge these measures, including WTO dispute …

NMPF Leaders Applaud European High Court Ruling Preventing Imitators from Using Dairy Names

Dan Dairy

The recent European Court of Justice ruling upholding European Union regulations that prevent plant-based dairy alternatives from using terms like “milk,” “cheese” and “yogurt” is a victory for the same battle occurring in the United States, leaders of the National Milk Producers Federation told their French dairy counterparts. During a visit, Friday with French dairy cooperative Sodiaal and the French …

Eastern Canada Dairy Producers Get Quota Increase

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

Canada’s dairy producers in the nation’s eastern provinces will receive a five percent quota increase July first. Five provinces in eastern Canada have approved the increase. The move follows a series of smaller increases that began last year. Dairy Farmers of Ontario says the increase is needed because there still isn’t enough milk produced to fill the market with butter. …

Celebrating Dairy Month in June

Dan Dairy, This Land of Ours

Cathy Isom tells us about a month long celebration of delicious dairy products, and the farmers who produce them. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.     The month of June is a time when everyone can show appreciation for the several thousand dairy farms and families. They are responsible for their commitment to producing nutritious milk while protecting …

U.S. and China Reach Agreement to Boost Dairy Trade

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release, Trade

The U.S. Dairy Export Council says the agreement reached this week between the U.S. and China will make it possible to significantly expand American dairy exports. An Agri-Pulse report says 80 U.S. processors are now officially cleared to immediately begin exporting to China, thanks to the Memorandum of Understanding between the countries. The agreement will also make it possible for …

NMPF Board of Directors Supports NAFTA Modernization

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release, Trade

Process Should Preserve Trade Successes in Mexico, Address Canada Dispute The National Milk Producers Federation Board of Directors voted unanimously to support modernizing the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in a way that enhances and protects the United States’ current dairy market access opportunities and addresses Canada’s constant use of trade-distorting measures. At its June meeting here, NMPF’s board …