Florida Commissioner’s Spotlight: Recipe – Fall Cupcake

Dan Florida, News from Our Sponsors

On this week’s Commissioner’s Spotlight, Florida’s Commissioner of Agriculture Adam Putnam is joined by Executive Chef Justin Timineri to talk about a new series of Fresh! Recipes sure to tackle anyone’s sweet tooth – Fresh From Florida cupcakes! You can follow Florida Commissioner Adam Putnam on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Discover more by visiting FreshFromFlorida.com.

Putnam Announces Preliminary Florida Agricultural Damages Due to Hurricane Irma Total $2.5 Billion

Dan Aquaculture, Cattle, Citrus, Field Crops, Industry News Release, Livestock, Nursery Crops, Specialty Crops

Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Adam H. Putnam announced that the preliminary agricultural damages caused by Hurricane Irma in Florida total more than $2.5 billion. In an initial report released today, the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services estimated losses for each segment of agriculture. The preliminary economic assessments account for current crop losses and ancillary losses, such as debris …

Putnam on Hurricane Irma’s Impact to Florida Citrus

Dan Citrus, Florida, Industry News Release

I took an aerial tour to survey areas impacted by Hurricane Irma, including citrus groves in Central and Southwest Florida. It’s still too early to know the full extent of the damage to Florida citrus. But after touring groves on foot and by air, it’s clear that our signature crop has suffered serious and devastating losses from Hurricane Irma. But …

Putnam Says Irma Will Hurt Ag Industry

Dan Florida, Industry News Release

From nursery businesses in Miami-Dade County to citrus growers in Central Florida, the agriculture industry will take a hit from Hurricane Irma, state Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam said. Putnam, who is running for governor next year, said during an interview on Fox 13 in Tampa that protecting people is the priority, but, based on past storms, the powerful hurricane will …

Putnam Announces Suspension of Intrastate Movement Requirements for Transportation of Pets and Livestock

Dan Florida, Industry News Release, Livestock

Commissioner of Agriculture Adam H. Putnam’s department suspended intrastate movement requirements for the transportation of animals from the areas expected to be impacted by Hurricane Irma. Additionally, Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi have waived their interstate import requirements for Florida pets and livestock. “By suspending the intrastate movement requirements for the transportation of animals, we can ensure that Floridians and visitors …

Putnam Pitches Land Deal to Protect Military Bases

Dan Industry News Release

by Jim Turner, News Service of Florida Florida Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam, a Republican candidate for governor, said Tuesday the state needs to increase spending for land preservation to help protect military bases from closure. Putnam voiced displeasure that state lawmakers did not provide more money during the current budget year for conservation efforts. Lawmakers set aside $10 million for …