Chinese Ambassador on Possible Soybean Trade Sanctions

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Soybeans, Trade

As the world’s two largest economies appear to be moving closer to a possible trade war, U.S. Ambassador Terry Branstad is warning China about the consequences of trade sanctions on U.S. soybeans. Branstad told Bloomberg Television that any attempts to cut down on U.S. soybean imports would hurt Chinese consumers more than it would American farmers. The crop provides a …

U.S. Producers Worried about Retaliatory Tariffs from China

Dan Exports/Imports

China is threatening to impose stiff retaliatory tariffs on U.S. pork and soybeans, and that has U.S. producers worried. China’s wasted no time in coming up with a list of U.S. targets for retaliation for billions in U.S. tariffs on Chinese metals and IP-related goods. Politically-sensitive U.S. pork and soybeans, as feared, are on China’s retaliation list. U.S. Producers Worried …

China: U.S. “Severely Damaged” Multilateral Trade

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

Steel and aluminum tariffs crafted by the Trump administration based on national security have “severely damaged” the multilateral trade system, according to officials from China. In a translated news release, a Chinese trade official says the nation will take legal actions through the World Trade Organization to “maintain the stability and authority” of multilateral trade. The comment came late last …

Trade Tiff with China Serves as Negotiating Primer

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

A leading U.S. agricultural economist suggests that the trade issues with China serve as a vehicle for negotiations. Purdue University agricultural economist Chris Hurt says China may be simply signaling the U.S. that the nation wants to negotiate, just as the U.S. has seemed to signal to China in crafting the tariffs. That seems to be the case, too, according …

China Retaliations to Harm U.S. Ag

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Agriculture groups say trade retaliations from China will “costs farmers their livelihoods.” China announced retaliation efforts to the Trump administration’s tariffs on steel and aluminum. The American Soybean Association says “It’s extremely frustrating” the administration is targeting the nation’s largest trading partner during a time of low farm income. American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall echoed those comments, stating …

Farm Bureau Concerned About Possible Chinese Trade Retaliation

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

The following statement on possible trade retaliation by China against U.S. farm exports may be attributed to American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall: “If the trade situation continues to deteriorate, our lives as farmers and ranchers will become more difficult. America’s farmers and ranchers export more than $21 billion of farm products to China – more than 20 percent …

Trump: China Tariffs Will Total $50 Billion

Dan Economy, Industry News Release, Trade

President Donald Trump announced an estimated $50 billion in tariffs against Chinese imports today. Bloomberg says it’s a retaliatory move against intellectual property violations. The move will take effect on more than 100 different types of Chinese products. The overall value of the tariffs was based on economic estimates of the damage caused by those intellectual property violations. Last year, …

Chinese Retaliation On U.S. Pork Exports Will Harm The Rural Economy

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Pork

The National Pork Producers Council warned that possible Chinese tariffs on U.S. pork could have a significant negative impact on rural America. China has indicated it will impose the duties in response to U.S. tariffs and restrictions – being placed on a host of Chinese goods. “We sell a lot of pork to China, so higher tariffs on our exports …

Trump Considering Trade Protection Measures Against China

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The Trump administration is mulling trade protections against Chinese investments in the United States and a broad range of tariffs. The consideration is seen as a punishment by the administration to Beijing for its alleged theft of intellectual property. An announcement by the U.S. Trade Representative’s office investigation into China’s intellectual property practices is expected in the coming weeks, setting …