China Quickly Retaliating Against U.S.

Dan Beef, Corn, Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Soybeans, Trade

Following implementation day of President Trump’s tariffs on China, the nation responded quickly to retaliate with previously threatened penalties on U.S. pork, beef, soybeans and automobiles. Meat industry publication Meatingplace reports China says Trump has “violated World Trade Organization rules and launched the largest trade war in economic history to date.” The first wave of tariffs was imposed Friday, which …

China Tariff on U.S. Pork Now Tops 60 Percent

Dan Exports/Imports, Pork, Trade

China’s implementation of tariffs on U.S. products means U.S. pork faces a 62 percent tariff level. The National Pork Producers Council responded that U.S. pork farmers now face large financial losses and contraction because of escalating trade disputes, meaning “less income for pork producers and, ultimately, some of them going out of business.” China announced a new 25 percent tariff …

China Dropping Tariffs on Feed Grains from Asian Countries

Josh McGill Industry News Release, Trade

China is dropping tariffs on feed ingredients from five Asian countries as it seeks supplies that do not originate in the United States. The ongoing trade war between the U.S. and China is bringing further tariffs on U.S. soybeans and coproducts imported to China, as retaliation on U.S. tariffs implemented on China. Thus, China is seeking cheaper soybeans, soymeal, soybean …

EU, China, Working to Strengthen Trade Ties

Josh McGill Industry News Release

The European Union is working to strengthen trade ties with China as the U.S. and China are embattled in a trade war. Repercussions of the trade war are being felt throughout U.S. agriculture, as the retaliatory tariffs from China will soon go into effect. Meanwhile, the EU is taking full advantage of the situation, and engaging with China to further …

Perdue: Trump Will Protect Farmers

Josh McGill Industry News Release

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue says President Donald Trump will protect U.S. farmers from trade retaliations. In a USA Today editorial, Perdue says if China does not soon mend its ways, “we will quickly begin fulfilling our promise to support producers.” Perdue says Trump knows U.S. farmers feed, fuel and clothe the world, and that he will “not allow U.S. agriculture …

China Says Washington Trade Actions Will Hurt American Workers

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

A Reuters report says China accused the Trump Administration of being capricious in its handling of trade issues. Chinese government officials warned U.S. workers and farmers that they’ll be hurt because of the administration’s brandishing of “big sticks.” Beijing officials said previous bilateral discussions with the U.S. were effective. However, the commerce ministry spokesman says Beijing has had to respond …

Trump Escalates Trade War with Additional Talks of Tariffs

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

President Donald Trump is taking the trade war with China to an unprecedented level that would impose tariffs on nearly every export China sends to the United States. Following the announcement Monday night by Trump that he is seeking an additional $200 billion worth of tariffs, China is looking to retaliate, again. Trump says if China does, he would seek …