Vilsack Urges Toning Down Anti-China Rhetoric, Citing Farm Exports

Dan Exports/Imports

USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack suggests the U.S. needs to tone down its anti-China rhetoric or else billions in U.S. farm exports to China could be on the chopping block… From TikTok to China’s spy balloon to its hacking and aggression in the Pacific, U.S. officials and lawmakers have pushed back against Beijing for months. But Secretary Tom Vilsack said at …

China Scooping Up U.S. Corn and Soybeans

Dan Corn, Exports/Imports, Soybeans

The world’s biggest importer of commodities is feeling the pinch of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. China is buying large numbers of U.S. corn and soybeans to help offset potential shortages in world commodity supplies because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and slower harvests in South America. Bloomberg says Chinese buyers booked 20 cargoes of American soybeans and 10 …

China Didn’t Meet Phase One Commitment

Dan Exports/Imports, Trade

China wound up $16 billion short of achieving its obligations under the Phase One Trade Deal with the U.S. A DTN report says the Biden administration is looking for ways to keep China buying agricultural products. Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack told the House Ag Committee that the administration is “putting them on notice that we want them to live up …

Huge Increases in Export Sales to China May be Cooling Down

Dan Exports/Imports, Trade

Last year and earlier this year there were many reports about brisk U.S. exports to China, even record sales for some ag products. But according to a story from Gary Crawford, all of that is starting to change. Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsMarch 1, 2025Nuseed Carinata Covers New GroundOctober 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024

China Slows Purchases of U.S. Peanuts

Dan Exports/Imports, Peanuts

The latest numbers show exports of U.S. peanuts have been down over the past year. Ad according to a story from Tyron Spearman, part of that is due to a slowdown in the amount China is taking. Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsMarch 1, 2025Nuseed Carinata Covers New GroundOctober 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024

U.S. and China Trading at a Brisk Pace

Dan Exports/Imports, Trade

China and the U.S. are shipping goods back and forth at the quickest pace in years. Bloomberg says that’s making it look as if the tariff war and COVID-19 never interrupted the world’s largest bilateral trade relationship. Bilateral trade in goods is an area of stability in a relationship that otherwise continues to struggle. In February of 2020, monthly two-way …

Red Meat Exports Thrived in the First Year of U.S.-China Agreement

Dan Beef, Cattle, Exports/Imports, Livestock, Sheep-Goats

One year has passed since the red meat trade provisions of the U.S.-China Phase One Economic and Trade Agreement entered into force. The agreement expanded access for U.S. beef and pork in the world’s largest red meat import market. Joel Haggard, U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF) senior vice president for the Asia Pacific, says the Phase One agreement has been …

China Buys another Large Shipment of U.S. Corn

Dan Corn, Exports/Imports

(NAFB) — China bought a large shipment of U.S. corn on Tuesday. Private exporters reported the sale of 1.15 million tons of corn for delivery by the end of August. The corn is equivalent to more than 45 million bushels and was worth 251 million dollars based on Chicago futures prices. It was the largest sale of U.S. corn to …