Cattle Inventory Report Shows Unsurprising Trend

Will Jordan General

Wednesday’s Cattle inventory report showed an unsurprising trend as the U.S. cow herd saw a 2 percent decrease since last year. Terrell Platt, Market Analyst for Cattlefax shares more. Yet as those supplies remain tight, it’s important to give careful consideration to any retained females. Platt noted how cow size should be considered when herd rebuilding does begin. Emphasizing the …

US Cattle Inventory Down 2 Percent

Dan Cattle, USDA-NASS

The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) recently released their annual Cattle Inventory Report. It shows the number of all cattle and calves in the U.S. as of January 1, 2022, was 91.9 million head, down 2 percent from the 93.8 million head on January 1, 2021. All cows and heifers that have calved, at 39.5 million head, were 2 percent …