EPA Finalizes RFS Volumes for 2018 and Biomass-Based Diesel Volumes for 2019

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized a rule that establishes the required renewable fuel volumes under the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) program for 2018, and biomass-based diesel for 2019. “Maintaining the renewable fuel standard at current levels ensures stability in the marketplace and follows through with my commitment to meet the statutory deadlines and lead the Agency by upholding …

Biodiesel Board Responds to RFS RIN Concerns

Dan Biotechnology, Energy, Industry News Release

A letter from the National Biodiesel Board to the Trump Administration seeks to clarify issues refineries are wanted addressed. Texas Senator Ted Cruz is holding the nomination of Iowa Agriculture Secretary Bill Northey to the Department of Agriculture, asking for a meeting to discuss renewable identification number credits, or RINs. Cruz says refiners call the RINs expensive, “costing thousands of …

Grassley Slams EPA RFS Proposal to Cut Biodiesel

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The Environmental Protection Agency announced it’s considering a new proposal to reduce 2018 biodiesel, advanced biofuel, and total Renewable Fuel Standard volumes, in addition to a prior proposal to cut 2019 volumes. that has ethanol supporters ‘hopping mad.’ Ethanol Industry groups swiftly responded with press releases that the EPA proposal was unjustified, unneeded, contrary to the RFS’s intent, and would …

NBB Considers Legal Action over Biodiesel Dumping

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The National Biodiesel Board says it will consider all possible legal actions as it looks into what it calls a flood of biodiesel entering the country from Argentina. The N.B.B. says new data is out showing subsidized biodiesel imports from Argentina are still continuing to surge, pushing even higher in recent weeks. A June report from a business intelligence company …

EPA Send RFS Volume Obligations to OMB

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The Environmental Protection Agency has sent Renewable Fuel Standard volume obligations to the White House Office of Management and Budget. The White House is expected to complete its review of the proposed rule within the next 90 days for the 2018 RVO’s and the Biomass Based Diesel Volume for 2019, according to DTN-Progressive Farmer. The deadline for the final rule …

Commerce Department Investigating Argentina and Indonesia Biodiesel Imports

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The U.S. Commerce Department has launched an antidumping and countervailing duty investigation aimed at biodiesel imports from Argentina and Indonesia. DTN-The Progressive Farmer reports the investigation is in response to a complaint filed by the biodiesel industry in the United States. U.S. biodiesel industry representatives testified to the International Trade Commission last week, saying biodiesel produced in Argentina and Indonesia …

U.S. Biodiesel Industry Calls Out Illegal Trading

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The National Biodiesel Board filed an antidumping and countervailing duty petition, making the case that Argentine and Indonesian companies are violating trade laws by flooding the U.S. market with dumped and subsidized biodiesel. The petition was filed with the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. International Trade Commission on behalf of the National Biodiesel Board Fair Trade Coalition, which …

2016 Biodiesel Market Skunks Previous Records

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

U.S. consumers saw a record of almost 2.9 billion gallons of biodiesel and renewable diesel in 2016, outpacing the previous record by nearly 40 percent. Also for the first time, the monthly market topped 300 million gallons, with December’s numbers coming in at 362 million gallons. The National Biodiesel Board welcomed the numbers but says that success is undermined by …