American and Australian Cattle Producers Sign Partnership 

Will Jordan Beef, Beef, Cattle, Industry, Livestock, Livestock News, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA)

Cattle producers from the United States and Australia joined together on May 9, 2024 at the Beef 2024 Convention in Rockhampton, Australia. These cattle industry leaders signed a joint statement to form a partnership for tackling issues surrounding cattle health, lab-grown proteins and sustainability. Leaders from National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) and Cattle Australia (CA) emphasized the importance of committing …

USDA Expanding Importation of Fresh Citrus Fruit from Australia

Dan Citrus, Exports/Imports

The Department of Agriculture announced Tuesday the expansion of the production areas in Australia authorized to import fresh citrus fruit into the United States. USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service also revised the conditions under which citrus from Australia may be imported. Currently, imports of fresh citrus fruit are allowed into the United States from three Australian regions, but …


Indonesia and Australia Commit to Trade Agreement

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Indonesia and Australia last week concluded negotiations on the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement. The partnership deepens the trade ties between the countries, benefiting a multitude of industries, including agriculture. The National Pork Producers Council says the organization is pushing for full access to the Australian market, noting that pork is the largest U.S. agricultural export to Australia. However, NPPC …

Australia Touts Benefits of U.S. Re-joining TPP

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

In a Washington, D.C. speech Monday, an Australian trade official stressed the benefits of the U.S. rejoining the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Australian Ambassador to the U.S. Joe Hockey addressed the Washington International Trade Association Monday afternoon, and spoke on the need to engage with the Asia-Pacific region for security and economic reasons, according to Politico. In prepared remarks, Hockey stated: …

Agri View: Record of Nothing in Particular

Dan Agri View

  Everett Griner talks about Australian farmers setting a world record in today’s Agri View.   There is nothing particularly interesting about this story. I just found it unusual and I thought that you might too. A team of Australian farmers have set a new world record for agriculture. They sprayed 6,515 acres of land in a 24 hour period. …

Australia and New Zealand Dairy Leaders Would Support U.S. WTO Action on Canada

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release, Trade

Dairy industry leaders from Australia and New Zealand say they would support the U.S. in potential World Trade Organization action against Canada. Leaders from both nations say they would support President Donald Trump if he included the WTO in a trade dispute over a milk pricing scheme by Canada that is harming U.S. dairy farmers. U.S. dairy groups say the …