Perdue Is 31st USDA Secretary

Dan Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Legislative

It finally took place this week, the confirmation of Sonny Perdue as agriculture secretary. Confirmation was achieved on a strong Senate bipartisan vote of 87-11, as several Democrats backed President Trump’s nominee. The entire agriculture industry has been anxiously awaiting his appointment, as the former Georgia governor has a variety of issues to deal with right away. But many agricultural …

Anxiously Awaiting Perdue’s Confirmation

Dan Industry News Release

The Senate is scheduled to vote next Monday, April 24th, to confirm former Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue as the next Secretary of Agriculture. And many in agriculture are anxiously awaiting Perdue’s arrival at the department. After months of waiting and delays, American Farm Bureau Federation executive director of public policy, Dale Moore, expresses the relief of many in agriculture that …

Perdue Vote Could be Stalled Until May

Dan Industry News Release

It’s been nearly 11 weeks since President Donald Trump nominated Sonny Perdue as Agriculture Secretary, and a partisan brawl in the Senate will push the wait into early April, or late May. While it is still possible that leaders could strike an eleventh-hour deal for a quick vote to confirm Perdue sometime soon, the odds are becoming minimal. House Agriculture …

Senate Agriculture Committee Swiftly Advances USDA Secretary Nominee Perdue

Dan Industry News Release

U.S. Senator Pat Roberts, R-Kan., Chairman of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, announced the Committee voted to favorably report nominee Sonny Perdue to serve as the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture. Perdue may now be considered by the full U.S. Senate for confirmation. “I’m pleased our Committee has made swift strides to move Governor Perdue’s nomination closer to …

Sonny Perdue Vote Delayed to Thursday

Dan Industry News Release

Sonny Perdue’s nomination vote out of the Senate Agriculture Committee will wait another day after it was delayed Wednesday. However, a vote seems likely Thursday morning. The next Senate floor vote was scheduled for 10 am ET Thursday, and the Senate Agriculture Committee said Wednesday afternoon the vote would take place Thursday, following the next Senate floor vote.