Agri View: Pollination Help

Dan Agri View, Environment

Everett Griner talks about money allocated for a pollination study in today’s Agri View. Pollination Help Here is where it started. One-third of all United States crops requires pollination by nature’s creatures. That includes honey bees, butterflies, moths, beetles, bats. Maybe a few I have left out. It is easy to why the whole country got upset when we started …


Agri View: Mixed Commodity Prices

Dan Agri View, Economy

Everett Griner talks about seasonal changes having an impact on commodity prices in today’s Agri View. Mixed Commodity Prices You know, it’s not just the tariff situation that has an impact on agriculture and the farm economy. There is farm credit. Some high-up officials, that deal with the problem every day, are inclined to believe that high interest rates and …

Agri View: Cloud Seeding for Rain

Dan Agri View, Drought, Environment, Water

Everett Griner talks about cloud seeding still being studied in today’s Agri View. Cloud Seeding for Rain You know, it was many years ago that farmers fought drought, and dry weather, by seeding the clouds. That is, they hired aviators to fly into what clouds existed to spray them with a designated chemical that would produce rain. It produced results, …

trade advisory

Agri View: Importance of International Trade

Dan Agri View, Trade

Everett Griner talks about the different trade programs and their importance to agriculture in today’s Agri View. Importance of International Trade International trade. It’s a term that has more than one interpretation. International means Latin America, Europe, Asia, and every other country. Now, the United States is one of the leading countries involved in this trade element. Every country is …


Agri View: Another Nematode

Dan Agri View

Everett Griner talks about the discovery of a new species of nematode in today’s Agri View. Another Nematode Every farmer knows what a root-knot nematode is. They know it is a plant pathogen that is highly reproductive, commonly found in cotton and soybeans. It also thrives in specialty crops like sugarcane and sweet potatoes. I mention these crops because they …


Agri View: Worst Wildfire Year Ever?

Dan Agri View

Everett Griner talks about losses suffered from what may end up being the worst wildfire year ever in today’s Agri View. Worst Wildfire Year Ever? Forest fires. Perhaps the worst year ever on record. Not even an estimate of damages so far. As many as 43 fires at the same time from southwestern Montana to Utah and New Mexico. More …