Maximize Cotton Yield Potential with Bayer CropScience

Randall Weiseman Alabama, Cotton, Field Crops, Florida, Georgia

To help farmers control existing crop threats and get ahead of emerging ones, Bayer CropScience is constantly updating their diverse product portfolio of seeds, seed treatments, traits, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and harvest aids/PGRs. And when it comes to cotton their Southeast District Sales Manager, John Hand, has some examples. Download Audio Since my interview with John Hand, Velum Total has …

Trade Promotion Authority Discussed in Florida

Randall Weiseman General

USDA held a roundtable discussion today in Tampa to discuss the importance of trade for Florida. Under Secretary for USDA’s Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services, Michael T. Scuse, was on hand to chat with the various stakeholders about Trade Promotion Authority. I was able to catch up with him afterwards as we discussed trade and the importance of TPA. Download …

USDA Announces Funding to Help Citrus Producers Fight HLB

Randall Weiseman Citrus, Florida, Fruits, Industry News Release, Specialty Crops

Today, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced $30 million in funding to help citrus producers combat HLB, also known as citrus greening. The resources will fund promising projects that offer near-term solutions as well as research funding that may develop longer-term solutions. Download Audio Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in …

Commissioner Putnam Testifies Before Joint Congressional Hearing on Newest Federal Overreach

Randall Weiseman Aquaculture, Cattle, Citrus, Field Crops, Florida, General, Industry News Release, Livestock, Specialty Crops, Water

From the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services: WASHINGTON, D.C. – Commissioner of Agriculture Adam H. Putnam testified today on the impacts of the Waters of the United States rule at the Joint Hearing Before the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works in Washington, D.C. Excerpts of his testimony are …

Southeast AgNet This Week: Cattle Report Surprises; Appropriations Process

Tacy Callies Agri View, Alabama, Beef, Cattle, Cotton, Field Crops, Florida, Fruits, General, Georgia, Livestock, Peanuts, Specialty Crops

Today’s issue of Southeast AgNet This Week includes some surprises in USDA’s annual cattle herd inventory report and how the annual appropriations process underway in Congress affects agriculture. Want to learn more? Click here to subscribe and view the current issue. Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, …

Dean Proposes Putting Conservation Money in One Pot

Randall Weiseman Ag "Outdoors", Florida, General, Industry News Release

By JIM TURNER THE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA THE CAPITAL, TALLAHASSEE, January 30, 2015………. Money that Florida voters want to use for land and water conservation efforts would go into a single trust fund under a new Senate proposal, but lawmakers are still weeks away from deciding how they will use the money. Sen. Charlie Dean, an Inverness Republican who …

EPA Announces Voluntary Cancellation of Certain Methomyl Uses

Randall Weiseman Alabama, Field Crops, Florida, General, Georgia, Industry News Release, Specialty Crops, Vegetables

From the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: WASHINGTON—The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the manufacturers of the insecticide methomyl have agreed to cancel some uses and limit use on certain crops to reduce risks to drinking water. From 1995 to 2013, exposure from food to carbamates, which Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst …

UF/IFAS 3rd-Annual Photo Contest

Dan Florida, General, Industry News Release

With more than 40 entries so far, this year is shaping up to be the biggest contest yet. You are invited to submit photographs that capture a moment, landscape, product or service that represents the agricultural systems and ecosystems in which they live or work. Contest categories are: Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, …

FFVA President Addresses ASTA Vegetable Seed Conference

Dan Alabama, Field Crops, Florida, General, Georgia, Seeds, Specialty Crops, Vegetables

Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association (FFVA) President Mike Stuart provided an overview of changes and challenges going on in the vegetable industry to attendees at the opening general session of the annual Vegetable and Flower Seed Conference of the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) this week in Tampa. In this interview with AgNet’s Gary Cooper, Stuart discusses his comments and …

Putnam: ‘Think Big, Act Boldly’ on Water, Land

Randall Weiseman Cattle, Citrus, Field Crops, Florida, Forestry, General, Industry News Release, Livestock, Nursery Crops, Specialty Crops, Water

By JIM TURNER THE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA: THE CAPITAL, TALLAHASSEE, January 22, 2015………. Florida lawmakers, who received a directive from voters in November to increase spending to protect water sources and sensitive lands, were told to “think big and act boldly” by the state agriculture commissioner on Thursday. Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam told members of the House State Affairs …