Important Month for Peanut Farmers

Clint Thompson Peanuts

February is an important month for many peanut farmers. Tyron Spearman has the story. Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024

Mild Winter Temperatures Could Spark Nematode Activity

Clint Thompson Field Crops

By Clint Thompson Temperatures this winter have been abnormally mild, which could be a problem for row crop farmers when they begin planting this year’s crop. The lack of freezing temperatures is likely to spark nematode activity, and Bob Kemerait, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension plant pathologist, encourages all producers to be prepared. “I’m telling growers I’ve had to break …

Peanut Usage is Up

Clint Thompson Peanuts

The latest numbers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) indicate peanut usage is up. Tyron Spearman runs through the new report. Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024

Peanut Acreage Needs to Decrease to Improve Prices

Clint Thompson Peanuts

By Clint Thompson For peanut prices to improve for farmers, acreage needs to decrease significantly in 2020, according to Adam Rabinowitz, University of Georgia (UGA) Cooperative Extension agronomist and assistant professor. He said U.S. demand has become stagnant, relatively flat for four years. Production needs to decrease this year if prices are going to increase. This will happen either through …

Peanut Industry News

Clint Thompson Peanuts

Today, Tyron Spearman has various peanut industry issues for growers across the Southeast. Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024

Trade Deals Could Mean Brighter Days for Farmers

Clint Thompson Trade

By Clint Thompson Jeffrey Dorfman, Georgia’s state fiscal economist and professor in the University of Georgia (UGA) Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, believes agriculture is currently in an “OK place” amid low commodity prices. Speaking at the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Ag Forecast meeting at the Tifton Campus Conference Center on Jan. 31, Dorfman highlighted recent …

USDA Issues Third Tranche of 2019 MFP Payments

Clint Thompson General

(Washington, D.C.) – At the direction of President Donald J. Trump, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue today announced the third and final tranche of 2019 Market Facilitation Program (MFP) payments aimed at assisting farmers suffering from damage due to unjustified trade retaliation by foreign nations. The payments will begin to show up in farmers’ bank accounts by the end …

Alabama-Florida Peanut Trade Show Offers Various Prizes

Clint Thompson Peanuts

The 2020 Alabama-Florida Peanut Trade Show will be held this Thursday, Feb. 7 at the National Peanut Festival Fairgrounds in Dothan, Ala. As Tyron Spearman reports, a variety of prizes will be awarded at this year’s show. Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024

Georgia Peanut Commission Research Report Day set for Wednesday, Feb. 5

Clint Thompson Peanuts

The Georgia Peanut Commission will hold its annual Research Report Day on Wednesday starting at 9 a.m. at the National Environmentally Sound Production Agriculture Laboratory (NESPAL), on the University of Georgia Tifton campus. Tyron Spearman has more details. The agenda for the GPC Research Report Day is available online at Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture …

Phase-One Deal’s Impact on Cotton

Clint Thompson Cotton, General

By Clint Thompson The phase-one deal the United States signed with China on Jan. 15 should eventually improve cotton prices for farmers, according to Adam Rabinowitz, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension ag economist. The deal stipulates that China will increase its purchases of agricultural products by $32 billion over two years. Rabinowitz believes this will only help cotton prices that …