Agri View: Healthy Foods or Not

Dan Agri View

Everett Griner talks about living and being healthy in today’s Agri View. Everett checks out some of the foods, like beef, eggs, and coffee, and what health risks they have for us. Healthy Foods or Not I have just about made up my mind if I want to live and be healthy I will have to live on cabbage and …

Agri View: Chicken Pickin’ Meat Processing Labor

Dan Agri View, Labor and Immigration

Everett Griner talks about labor issues in today’s Agri View. Everett discusses how, and why, the meat processing industry needs a permanent labor staff. Chicken Pickin’ Meat Processing Labor Much of today’s agriculture is carried on by a migrant population. Labor comes and goes. It is almost adequate in the planning, growing, and harvesting seasons. It changes during the following …

Agri View: Use of Water on the Farm

Dan Agri View, Water

Everett Griner talks about farm water use in today’s Agri View. He asks some serious questions and discusses what would happen if farmers had no water. Use of Water on the Farm Water, water, water. How frequently and how much do you use? Think about it now. Personal use. Watering our lawns. Many kinds of recreational use. How much would …

Agri View: Efforts to Enact COOL

Dan Agri View, Beef

Everett Griner talks about efforts still being made to enact COOL in today’s Agri View. Everett looks into what happened with it to begin with, and what is currently being done to try to bring it back. Efforts to Enact COOL Mention the word COOL and most people think of being comfortable. I mean Country of Origin Labeling. People wanting …