Empty Baseball Stadiums Affecting Peanut Sales

Clint Thompson Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Peanuts

Baseball fans typically consume many bags of peanuts each year when attending games across the country. But according to a story from Tyron Spearman, without baseball the peanut industry has seen a shift in sales. Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024

Commodity Prices Remain Low

Clint Thompson Alabama, Corn, Cotton, Field Crops, Florida, Georgia, Peanuts, Soybeans

By Clint Thompson Commodity prices for high value row crops hasn’t changed much recently, says Adam Rabinowitz, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Ag economist. The only positive is that prices have stopped decreasing. “There really has been little change on anything. The downward movement at least appears to be subsiding. But we’re not seeing any upward movement. I think that’s …

Get Tested…Peggy Zone Tested!

Clint Thompson Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Peanuts

By Clint Thompson A potential gypsum shortage this year could impact the peanut farmer’s ability to apply calcium to their crop. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension soils and hydrology specialist Glen Harris encourages producers to sample their soil after the peanut plant emerges. This is done to see if the peanuts need gypsum at all. “We have a test where …

Peanut Pest Alert: Don’t Let Thrips Sneak up on you

Clint Thompson Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Pest/Pest Control

Here’s timely information from Dr. Ayanava Majumdar (Extension Professor), Kris Balkcom (Extension Specialist) and Dr. Scott Graham (Assistant Professor/Extension Specialist) from Auburn University. One of the earliest insect pests of peanuts includes the small flying insects called thrips. Thrips have bristly wings and can fly or ride the air currents over long distances. There are several species of thrips that …

UGA Offers Peanut Planting Tips

Clint Thompson Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Peanuts

By Clint Thompson Peanut planting is well underway across the Southeast. Whether you are planting a crop in Alabama, Florida or Georgia, there are multiple factors to consider in hopes of producing high yields in the fall. University of Georgia (UGA) has some peanut planting tips. According to University of Georgia Peanut Production Guide, the ideal planting window extends through …

Peanut Seed Germination Key Following Cold Snap

Clint Thompson Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Peanuts

By Clint Thompson Peanut seed in the ground during last weekend’s cold snap probably didn’t make any progress coming out of the ground, says University of Georgia Cooperative Extension peanut specialist Scott Monfort. “I expect no matter what, it slowed down anything that hadn’t come out of the ground yet,” Monfort said. Concerns mounted last week over whether farmers should …

Little Projected Rainfall Means More Irrigation Needed

Clint Thompson Alabama, Corn, Cotton, Florida, Georgia, Irrigation, Peanuts, Soybeans, Weather

By Clint Thompson Limited rainfall over the next couple of weeks means row crop growers need to be irrigating early and often to get their seed producing. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension irrigation specialist Wes Porter said water requirements for cotton and peanuts is low early in the season. But they do still require water. “If we’re absolutely getting no …

Make Planter Modifications Now

Clint Thompson Alabama, Cotton, Florida, Georgia, Peanuts

By Clint Thompson Planting season is underway across the Southeast. Growers can save time and money by making modifications now before planting in certain fields. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Ag Engineer Wes Porter reminds cotton and peanut farmers the importance of correct planter settings. “Whether it’s cotton or peanuts, when we first pull into a new field, evaluate the …

Low Temperatures Could Impact Seed Germination

Clint Thompson Alabama, Cotton, Florida, Georgia, Peanuts

By Clint Thompson Row crop farmers need to be wary of cooler temperatures this week, says Pam Knox, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Agricultural Climatologist. Producers are planting cotton and peanuts. But if temperatures drop into the 40s as weather.com predicts for Tifton, Georgia, they could impact seed germination. “I’m not a seed specialist but I know that if you …

APC Looking at Food Trends

Dan Peanuts

The American Peanut Council (APC) is investigating international food trends. Tyron Spearman reports this effort is underway to see how these trends may impact peanut exports. Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024