Undersecretary Keys in on Specialty Crop Trade

Dan Commodities, Exports/Imports, Specialty Crops, Trade

While meeting with reporters at the National Association of Farm Broadcasting annual convention, USDA Undersecretary for Trade, Alexis Taylor, keyed in on trade missions that could be particularly beneficial to the nation’s specialty crop industries. Taylor said funding from the USDA will also help the industry with trade challenges. “In addition to some market development work, we’re doing a hundred …

Vilsack Announces Plan to Increase Trade

Dan Commodities, Economy, Exports/Imports, Trade

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on Thursday announced the next steps in the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s efforts to bolster U.S. agricultural trade, including the department’s planned trade missions for 2024 and the opening of a public comment period for the new Regional Agricultural Promotion Program (RAPP). “As I’ve often said, the key to trade is people’s presence and promotions, and …

FAO Predicts Decline International Foodstuffs Trade

Dan Exports/Imports, This Land of Ours, Trade

Will the international food trade see a decline? That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) predicts a declining international trade in foodstuffs for multiple reasons. While the organization’s latest forecasts point to favorable production outlooks for most basic foodstuffs, global food production systems remain vulnerable to several risks. Those challenges include …

ASI Investigates Trade Case against Lamb Imports

Dan American Sheep Industry Association (ASI), Exports/Imports, Sheep-Goats, Trade

The American Sheep Industry Association (ASI) updated the status of a legal process initiated several months ago toward possibly filing a U.S. trade law violation by lamb importers. ASI Executive Director Peter Orwick offered an update as the association awaits the results of a preliminary investigation. “We are specifically looking for the estimate of trade case strength, which depends on …