Acramite Controls Pecan Pests

Randall Weiseman Specialty Crops

Acramite® 4SC miticide, a new liquid formulation of the highly effective active ingredient, bifenazate, from Chemtura Corporation, is now labeled for control of pecan leaf scorch mites. Report (:30 wma)

Rimon Receives Approval

Randall Weiseman Florida, Vegetables

Rimon® 0.83EC insecticide, marketed by Chemtura Corporation, has received a Florida state registration label for use on head and stem brassica crops including cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Chinese mustard and kohlrabi. Report (:30 wma)

Sweet Disaster Aid For Sugar Cane

Randall Weiseman Sugar

Disaster aid for agriculture was cut from $3.8 billion to just $500 million in the emergency supplemental appropriations bill out of conference committee, but sugar cane was a winner. Report (1:00 wma)

Sugar Cane Gets Disaster Aid

Randall Weiseman Sugar

Congressman Mark Foley (FL-R) is pleased that the 2006 emergency supplemental appropriations bill passed by Congress includes $40 million in disaster aid for sugar cane producers in Florida affected by recent hurricanes. Here is an interview with Congressman Foley about the measure. Report (3:00 wma)

Mini Tomato Field Day

Randall Weiseman Florida, Specialty Crops, Vegetables

A high lycopene, premium tomato variety is the focus of a Tomato Breeding Mini-Field Day at the Gulf Coast Research and Education Center, Thursday June 15, 2006 from 3:00-5:00 PM. Report (1:00 wma)