ARS Hydrologist Honored for Bringing Accuracy to Soil Moisture Satellite Work

Dan Industry News Release, Soil, Technology

Research hydrologist Dr. Michael H. Cosh with the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland, was honored with an Arthur S. Flemming Award for using satellites to improve soil moisture measurements. The enhanced accuracy stemming from Cosh’s work allows for better crop yield projections. It also improves weather forecasting, drought and flood predictions, and wildfire …

Re-evaluating Your Soil Fertility Plans

Dan Seeds, Soil

While some crops have already been planted, there is seed still going into the ground. And in order for those seeds to grow a healthy crop, they need good soil fertility. And according to Monsanto agronomist, Greg Ferguson, it’s important for growers to re-evaluate their soil fertility plans.