Adult Obesity Increased During First Year of COVID-19 Pandemic

Dan This Land of Ours, USDA-ERS

If your waistline increased during the pandemic, you’re not alone. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. New data from USDA’s Economic Research Service shows that U.S. adults ages 20 and older reported a three percent higher prevalence of obesity during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study analyzed data from the Centers for Disease Control and …

USDA: Beef Producers Face Higher Inputs

Dan Beef, USDA-ERS

U.S. beef producers face higher input costs this year, predicted up seven percent compared to 2021. USDA’s Economic Research Service (ERS) reported Monday the farmer’s share of the retail value of beef also increased year over year, but rising input costs, especially for cattle feed, may limit farmers’ ability to benefit from higher cattle prices. Feed expenses are the largest …

USDA-Cost of a Home-Grilled Cheeseburger up from 2021

Dan Beef, Economy, This Land of Ours, USDA-ERS

Grilling season is underway, and the cost of the homemade cheeseburger is going up. That’s today’s This Land of Ours. Home-grilled cheeseburgers, a summer cookout staple, will cost consumers more this summer. USDA’s Economic Research Service says the ingredients for a home-prepared 1/4-pound cheeseburger totaled $2.07 per burger, with ground beef making up the largest cost at $1.20. This represents …

Number of U.S. Farms Continues Slow Decline


New data released Tuesday from USDA’s Economic Research Service shows the number of U.S. farms continues to decline slowly. After peaking at 6.8 million farms in 1935, the number of U.S. farms and ranches fell sharply through the early 1970s. Rapidly falling farm numbers in the mid-20th century reflected the growing productivity of agriculture and increased nonfarm employment opportunities. Since …

Details on Lower Restaurant Spending During Pandemic

Dan This Land of Ours, USDA-ERS

Numbers are in for the costs the pandemic had on restaurants. That’s today’s This Land of Ours. Detailed numbers are coming in for consumers’ food-buying habits during the pandemic. USDA Economic Research Service’s Food Expenditure Series shows significantly lower spending at restaurants during 2020, which was expected because of the many closures because of the pandemic. The question has been: …

Food Insecurity Rates Vary Across States

Dan Economy, USDA-ERS

USDA Economic Research Service data released Monday shows food insecurity rates vary across U.S. states. The estimated prevalence of food insecurity during 2018-2020 ranged from 5.7 percent in New Hampshire to 15.3 percent in Mississippi. The estimated national average was 10.7 percent. The prevalence of food insecurity was significantly higher than the national average in nine states, including Alabama, Kentucky, …

Impact Farmers Make When It Comes to Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Dan Conservation, Environment, This Land of Ours, USDA-ERS

The huge impact farmers have been making when it comes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.  That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. Since 1990, the United States population has increased 31-percent, from roughly 250 million to 329 million in 2019. With more people comes the need for more food. And, more food production could also mean more greenhouse gas …

USDA Data Tracks Fertilizer Price Increases

Dan Corn, Economy, Fertilizer, Field Crops, Specialty Crops, USDA-ERS, Wheat

Data from USDA’s Economic Research Service details the increase in fertilizer prices. Fertilizer represents an average of 36 percent of a farmer’s operating costs for corn, 35 percent for wheat, and 30 percent for sorghum, according to estimates by USDA. Fertilizer prices declined from 2014 through 2017 before a gradual increase in 2019. In late 2021, prices began to spike …

Almost Half of U.S. States Lost Rural Population in 2010-2020

Dan Economy, General, USDA-ERS

From 2010-2020, the USDA’s Economic Research Service says 24 states lost population in nonmetropolitan or rural areas. Sixteen of those states lost population overall or showed slow population growth of less than five percent. Data from the 2020 U.S. Census shows the U.S. population grew by 7.4 percent from 2010-2020, slower than the 9.7 percent growth from the previous decade. …

Crops Sector Received 65% of PPP Loans for Agriculture in 2020

Dan Economy, USDA-ERS

Information updated by USDA’s Economic Research Service Wednesday shows 65 percent of Paycheck Protection Program 2020 agriculture funds went crop farms, with the rest for livestock. Last year, farmers and ranchers could use forgivable loans from the program to help keep employees on payroll and offset some of their operating costs. The maximum PPP loan amount was 2.5 times the …