Georgia Peanut Commission Attends Georgia School Nutrition Meeting to Promote Peanut Consumption

Dan Industry News Release, Peanuts

The Georgia Peanut Commission attended the Georgia School Nutrition Association’s annual meeting April 20-22 in Jekyll Island, Georgia, to educate school foodservice personnel about peanuts and peanut butter, as well as encourage consumption in schools across the state. During the three-day meeting, school nutrition professionals attended educational seminars, visited with food service industry representatives and received recognition for outstanding performance …

Farm Bureau Responds to President’s Tax Plan

Dan Industry News Release

The following may be attributed to American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall: “Farmers and ranchers need a tax code that promotes the business of farming and ranching and recognizes the unique financial challenges we face. Farm Bureau welcomes a pro-business approach to tax reform, but any tax reform proposal must treat all businesses fairly. Most farm and ranch businesses …

Bipartisan Congressional Letter Voices Support for Tackling of Canada’s Protectionist Dairy Practices

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

Adding to the groundswell of recognition that Canada’s protectionist dairy policies are harmful to U.S. dairy exports, a bipartisan group of 68 members of the House of Representatives wrote to President Donald Trump yesterday urging him to insist that Canada comply with its dairy trade commitments, including those under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). At a time when questions are arising about the future of the …

National FFA Organization Awards More Than $2.7 Million in Scholarships

Dan Education, Industry News Release

The National FFA Organization and National FFA Foundation has awarded more than $2.7 million in scholarships to 1,884 recipients. This was made possible thanks to the generosity of 115 sponsors. More than 8,300 students applied online for the scholarships, with many of the applicants being considered for multiple awards. Approximately one in every four students who applied was awarded a …

USDA Removes Database on Animal Mistreatment

Dan Cattle, Industry News Release, Livestock

Last week, the U.S. Department of Agriculture shut down a database that includes information about mistreated, injured, or killed farm animals. The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service cited privacy concerns in taking down the website information. A CNN Dot Com article quotes an animal activist group saying the agency bowed to pressure from groups that don’t want the information …

Red Meat Demand Remaining Strong

Dan Beef, Cattle, Dairy, Industry News Release

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s recent Cold Storage Report showed record reductions of beef and pork, which means demand for the products remains high. At the other end of the spectrum, chicken stocks remain historically high. A Meating Place Dot Com article says total beef in cold storage dropped 38 million pounds in March, the biggest drop in March since …

Possible Changes in Cotton/Dairy Policies Ahead

Dan Cotton, Dairy, Industry News Release

House Ag Committee Ranking Member Collin Peterson tells Politico’s Morning Agriculture Report that he’s optimistic that the fiscal 2017 government spending package will include changes to the cotton and dairy policies in the new Farm Bill. He says those potential changes would provide more financial assistance to farmers. The Minnesota Democrat says he and other committee members have been talking …

Iowa Ag Secretary on White House Ag Roundtable

Dan Industry News Release

Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey expressed his appreciation that President Trump would host the Agriculture roundtable discussion this week, especially because it’s still early in his administration. Northey says he was very encouraged by the discussion that took place. “The president clearly understands the importance of a strong agriculture sector in our nation. It’s great news that Secretary Perdue …