Ag Groups Seek Truck Weight Limits Increase

Dan Industry News Release

A coalition of agriculture groups has asked Congress to include language in an appropriations bill to allow ten states to increase commercial truck weight limits. The coalition is asking Congress to allow the states to engage in a pilot program to obtain information on the safety and environmental benefits of increasing the maximum commercial truck weight on interstate highways. In …

Equipment Sales Show Ag Optimism Tied to Policy Promises

Dan Industry News Release

A new industry report suggests improvements in optimism in agriculture is fueled by discussions over federal tax and regulatory reform. Farm Policy Facts reports policy experts are hopeful the momentum will continue, especially if Congress makes sound decisions regarding farm policy, which provides a foundation for the rural economy. Agricultural equipment sales have increased for six straight months, and the …

Midwest Railroad Watching NAFTA Talks Closely

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

A railroad company that exports U.S. agricultural products to Mexico is closely watching the North American Free Trade Agreement renegotiation effort. Kansas City Southern Railway Company CEO Pat Ottensmeyer told KMBC-TV in Kansas City, Missouri: “We once branded ourselves the NAFTA railroad.” Since NAFTA took effect, the railway has grown to send 40 percent of its business to Mexico. The …

FARM Animal Care Program Seeks Producer Feedback

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

The National Dairy Farmers Assuring Responsible Management (FARM) Program, in collaboration with Colorado State University, is conducting a dairy farmer survey to learn more about perceptions of the FARM Program and how it can continue to improve the resources it offers producers. The voluntary survey will probe producers’ knowledge of the program and the value they think it provides to …

May Dairy Market Report

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

The rate of milk production growth began to moderate during the first quarter, but additional milk production continues to generate American cheese at a faster rate than total consumption, driving up inventories and putting some pressure on cheese prices. Still, exports of most products showed strong year-over-year growth during the first quarter of 2017. Federal Order Class prices have dropped …

Local Farmers Unite for Agriculture

Dan Florida, Industry News Release, Legislative

Florida farmers, ranchers, and small business owners united as the voice of agriculture last week during the annual Field to the Hill advocacy trip in Washington, D.C., May 23-25. More than 80 Farm Bureau members representing 24 counties in the Sunshine State traveled to the nation’s capital to visit with the Florida Congressional delegation to discuss federal policy issues such …

Rural America the New ‘Inner City’

Dan Industry News Release

The Wall Street Journal has dubbed rural America as the new “inner city,” riddled with low income, sparse access to healthcare, crime, and drugs. A special analysis by the publication says data reveals that sparsely populated counties have replaced large cities as America’s most troubled areas by key measures of socioeconomic well-being. The shift began in the 1990s and continues …

TPP Member Nations Moving On

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The 11 remaining member nations of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement are moving on with finalizing the agreement without the United States. Four months after the United States announced it would withdraw from the trade agreement, the remaining 11 TPP countries agreed to “launch a process to assess options to bring the comprehensive, high-quality agreement into force expeditiously, including how …

FDA Considering Nutrition Facts Panel Delay

Dan Industry News Release

The Food and Drug Administration is considering a delaying implementation of a revamped nutrition facts panel on retail goods. Meat industry publication Meatingplace reports the move would follow a request by industry groups that have asked the FDA to delay the new food labels by three years. The updated labels are scheduled to start being used by July of next …

Secretary Perdue Continues Farm State Travels

Dan Industry News Release

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue continues traveling this week as he will attend the Montana Ag Summit Thursday. Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts is expected to join Perdue at the event that was organized by committee member Steve Daines, a Montana Republican. Also attending is a team of Mexican barley and malt importers, who are visiting the U.S. as part …