Top U.S. Milk Processor Struggling

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

A new report shows that Dean Foods Company is struggling amid slowing milk sales and rising costs. The news comes as Dean’s largest customer, Wal-Mart Stores, is preparing to open its own milk processing plant, reducing its reliance on Dean. The Texas-based milk supplier this week cut its per-share profit expectations nearly in half. Shares of Dean Foods are down …

Perdue Turning to Industry for Dicamba Fix

Dan Environment, Industry News Release

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue indicated to reporters this week that he would like to see the industry work out a fix on dicamba issues. Perdue said: “I would much prefer that method rather than a prescriptive, top-down regulation,” in saying that he is “hoping that the industry itself and the producers themselves are working toward a resolution,” according to Politico. …

USDA Proposes Less Restriction on Mexican Pork Exports

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Pork

The Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service is proposing to recognize Mexico as free of classical swine fever. The proposal replaces a previous proposal by APHIS that would have recognized Mexico as a low-risk classical swine fever region. Since USDA’s original proposal, Mexico has asked for enhanced evaluations by USDA. With results from the most recent site …

USTR Seeking Input on KORUS

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The U.S. Trade Representative’s (USTR) Office has asked a group of industry advisors to provide feedback on potential changes to the U.S. free trade agreement with Korea (KORUS). World Trade Online reports that USTR is seeking the feedback by mid-August, after recently asking its industry trade advisory committees for ideas on the implementation of the agreement and issues “impacting fair …

Controlling Weeds in a Way that Saves the Soil and Costs Less

Dan Industry News Release, Research

An onslaught of the weed Palmer amaranth in the southeastern United States has left many farmers wondering if they should continue using environmentally friendly cover crops and conservation tillage, or switch to conventional tillage. Palmer amaranth is aggressive, drought tolerant, a prolific seed producer, and capable of developing resistance to glyphosate, known as “Roundup.” Because of that, thousands of acres …

Army Corps Gives Input in Florida-Georgia Water War

Dan Florida, Georgia, Industry News Release, Water

by Lloyd Dunkelberger, News Service of Florida The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, a key player in Florida’s decades-old legal fight with Georgia over water flow in the Apalachicola River, has weighed into the pending case before the U.S. Supreme Court. The federal agency’s comments, which were filed in a brief Monday, are important because a special master has recommended …

Putnam Pitches Land Deal to Protect Military Bases

Dan Industry News Release

by Jim Turner, News Service of Florida Florida Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam, a Republican candidate for governor, said Tuesday the state needs to increase spending for land preservation to help protect military bases from closure. Putnam voiced displeasure that state lawmakers did not provide more money during the current budget year for conservation efforts. Lawmakers set aside $10 million for …

Reducing Hive Losses from Varroa Mites Honey Bee Program

Randall Weiseman Georgia, Industry News Release

Dr. Jennifer Tsuruda, PhD Clemson University Apiculture Specialist, will be our guest speaker Wednesday, August 16 at the Carroll County Ag Center located at 900 Newnan Road in Carrollton, Georgia 30117 from 6:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m.  She will be speaking with us on her experience and research working with Varroa mites and her honey bee program at Clemson.  Dr. …