Roberts Wants Farm Bill to Target SNAP Fraud

Taylor Hillman Farm Bill, Industry News Release

Senate Agriculture Chairman Pat Roberts has indicated he wants to use the farm bill as a way to target fraud in the food stamp program. Bloomberg makes the interpretation from a statement by Roberts addressing quality control problems within the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, which the Chairman said: “any problems will need to be given a hard look” …

Florida Farm Bureau: Farm Families Slowly Recovering

Taylor Hillman Florida, Industry News Release

The resilience of Florida’s farmers and ranchers is on full display in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma. They are working to restore food and fiber production for this state and the nation, despite the widespread destruction of crops, buildings, fencing, and other property lost to wind and water damage. Like many other Floridians, farm families are contending with significant failures …

NPPC Seeking ELD Waiver

Taylor Hillman Industry News Release, Pork

The National Pork Producers Council Tuesday petitioned the Department of Transportation for a waiver and exemption for livestock haulers from regulations that NPPC says could harm animal well-being. The petition was filed on behalf of the pork industry and other livestock sectors and requests the waiver and exemption because of concerns about the Electronic Logging Device Rule. The petition also …

Head of USDA Organic Program Stepping Down

Taylor Hillman Industry News Release, Organic

The leader of the Department of Agriculture’s National Organic Program will step down at the end of the month. Miles McEvoy will vacate the position overseeing the program and return to his home state of Washington. McEvoy led the program that oversees organic regulations and the USDA organic seal for eight years. McEvoy told Fern’s Ag Insider that his original …

South Korea Wants Step by Step Approach to KORUS

Taylor Hillman Industry News Release, Trade

Trade leaders from South Korea are asking for a step by step approach to the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement. Following last week’s discussion on terminating the agreement by President Donald Trump, Korea says: “Let’s go step by step, rather than just jumping the gun.” It is possible Trump could seek to renegotiate the trade deal, like his move regarding the …

USDA Providing Recovery Efforts after Hurricane Irma

Taylor Hillman Industry News Release, Weather

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) wants to remind farmers and ranchers and those who reside in rural communities impacted Hurricane Irma, they have programs that provide assistance in the wake of disasters. Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue said, “In recent weeks, millions of Americans have been affected by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.” He said, “USDA employees have been working tirelessly …

Trump Renewed Call for Full Repeal of Estate Tax

Dan Industry News Release

President Trump’s renewed call on a North Dakota visit for full repeal of the estate tax is being praised by the American Farm Bureau. But ‘death tax’ repeal faces more hurdles as tax reform advances this fall. AFBF tax adviser Pat Wolff suggests the President’s comments that the estate tax is a “tremendous burden” on family farmers can only help …

NAFTA Renegotiation Could Send Avocado Prices Soaring

Dan Fruits, Industry News Release, Trade

Avocado prices have reached a record high and a new North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) could have U.S. consumers paying even more for the fruit. A group of avocado companies recently wrote the U.S. Trade Representative’s Office predicting prices could rise, depending on whether the Trump administration, in renegotiating NAFTA, changes rules on anti-dumping and countervailing duties. The letter …

South Korea Trade Teams Tour U.S. Agriculture

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The U.S. Grains Council says trade teams from South Korea visiting the U.S. over the last three months helps solidify trade between the U.S. and Korea under the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement, known as KORUS. The Council has been hosting trade teams this summer from South Korea, visiting U.S. farmers and grain suppliers in eight states. USGC says South Korean …

Vilsack says Clovis Lacks Experience for USDA Post

Dan Industry News Release

Former Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack says Sam Clovis doesn’t have credibility for the post-Clovis is nominated to serve at the Department of Agriculture. Clovis is the nominee for the undersecretary for research, education, and economics, commonly known as USDA’s chief scientist position. Vilsack said recently that Clovis’ positions on things like climate change “create a barrier for him that will …