FMD Language Included in Defense Authorization Act

Dan Cattle, Industry News Release, Livestock

The National Defense Authorization Act approved last week includes language to require an analysis on Foot and Mouth Disease or FMD. Language included in the bill by Iowa Republican Senator Joni Ernst includes a provision “recognizing the risk of FMD, or other foreign animal diseases, to U.S. food production, the economy, and national security,” according to the Senator. The provision …

WTO Will Investigate U.S. Complaint over China

Dan Corn, Industry News Release, Trade, Wheat

The World Trade Organization has created a dispute panel to investigate U.S. complaints regarding import quotas by China. The panel came at the request of the U.S. regarding quotas on wheat, rice, and corn. The panel on tariff rate quotas for agricultural products was automatically established as it was the second request by the United States at the WTO Dispute …

U.S. Yet to Propose NAFTA Dairy Fix

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release, Trade

The United States has yet to propose changes to the dairy issue between the U.S. and Canada as part of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) renegotiation. And, Canada’s lead NAFTA negotiator doesn’t expect the United States to make demands for the dairy sector during the current set of talks that conclude Wednesday in Canada, according to the Toronto …

U.S. Has First NAFTA Finalization Target

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The United States now has a tentative timeline to complete the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) negotiations. The Trump administration notified Congress Friday evening of expected changes to trade remedy law as a result of the ongoing trade talks, according to Politico. Notification is required at least 180 days before a trade agreement is signed, under the trade promotion …

Farm Safety on a Budget

Dan Industry News Release

Fall harvest is a season in which farmers are trying to get as much done as they can as fast as possible no matter what time of day it is. It’s a critical period for a farmer’s bottom line. The University of Minnesota says it’s an important for farmers to be safe during the scramble of harvest. Michael Cruse is …

Trade Mission to Brazil Affect Ethanol Import Tariff?

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

An ethanol industry official hopes this week’s USDA-led trade mission to Brazil will convince the country’s leaders to reverse a renewed tariff on ethanol imports. Growth Energy’s Chris Bliley does not see the Brazil trip with leaders from two-dozen agribusinesses and trade groups as rewarding Brazil for its renewed 20-percent tariff on imported ethanol. Key players in the ethanol industry, …

New Zealand Triples U.S. DDGS Purchases

Dan Corn, Industry News Release, Soybeans

Record milk production in New Zealand has led the nation to triple the amount of imported U.S. distiller’s dried grains with solubles. The U.S. Grains Council reports that the 2017 milk supply in New Zealand is expected to reach 21.9 million tons, surpassing the prior record of 2014, thanks to higher-expected cow numbers and optimal pasture conditions. With the further …

Rural Mainstreet Index Lower

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

The Rural Mainstreet Index fell to its lowest level of the year last month as farmland prices declined and agriculture equipment sales were dismal. The index, compiled by Nebraska’s Creighton University, surveys bank CEO’s in ten Midwestern states. Overall, the index, which ranges between 0 and 100, slumped to 39.6, its lowest level since December 2016, and down from 42.2 …

Trade Officials Talks KORUS

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Trade leaders from South Korea and the United States met for the first time last week to discuss the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement. The Trump administration has targeted the free trade agreement for renegotiation, or even termination. A South Korea-based news agency reports U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer met with South Korea’s Trade Minister to “discuss ways to move forward” …