NCBA Calls R-CALF Effort an Attack on Beef Checkoff

Dan Cattle, Industry News Release

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) alleges that R-CALF (Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund) is attacking the beef checkoff. Last week, R-CALF asked for an injunction against collection of checkoff funds be expanded to 13 more states. The injunction currently only applies to Montana. In a statement, R-CALF says its members in other states “object to being required to turn over their …

Bayer Takes Market Hit from Glyphosate Ruling

Dan Environment, Industry News Release

The first day of trading following a jury ruling against Monsanto pushed shares of Bayer down 12 percent. Monsanto, recently acquired by Bayer, was ordered to pay $289 million as part of a lawsuit alleging glyphosate causes cancer. While Bayer says the verdict is “at odds with the weight of scientific evidence,” the ruling by a California Jury claimed glyphosate, …

Sorghum Growers Disappointed in Chlorpyrifos Ruling

Dan Environment, Industry News Release, Specialty Crops

National Sorghum Producers expressed disappointment in last week’s court decision to impose a ban on chlorpyrifos, a useful pesticide for sorghum growers. Last week, a U.S. appeals court ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to revoke tolerances and cancel all registration for chlorpyrifos within 60 days. In response, NSP chairman Don Bloss of Nebraska expressed disappointment in the decision, calling the …

Tractor, Combine Sales, Posting Strong Numbers

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

Overall U.S. sales of tractors and combines continued to post strong numbers, led by combines and four-wheel-drive tractors, according to the July 2018 report from the Association of Equipment Manufacturers. July U.S. sales of combines gained 37 percent compared to last year, with year-to-date growth of nearly 24 percent compared to last year’s January-July numbers. U.S. sales of four-wheel-drive tractors …

Farming Groups Call for Swift Farm Bill Passage

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Legislative

The two largest farming groups in the United States called for swift passage of the farm bill by a congressional conference committee. Faced with the lowest farm income in 12 years, the presidents of the American Farm Bureau Federation and National Farmers Union are asking Senate and House conferees to move quickly. Everything from commodity price supports to childhood nutrition, …

National FFA Organization Names VIP Recipients

Dan Education, Industry News Release

Nineteen individuals will be honored in an onstage ceremony with the VIP Citation at this year’s National FFA Convention & Expo,  held in Indianapolis Oct. 24-27. The VIP Citation recognizes individuals’ significant contributions to FFA and agricultural education. Those individuals receiving this distinction include Jim Aschwanden of Galt, Calif.; Greg Beard of San Luis Obispo, Calif.; Michael Kent Boggs of …

Brazilian Judge Suspends Glyphosate Use

Dan Environment, Industry News Release

A Brazilian judge has suspended the use of products containing glyphosate. The federal judge halted new registrations of products containing glyphosate and will suspend existing registrations while the Brazilian government reevaluates the toxicity of glyphosate products, according to Reuters. The decision, however, could face several appeals. Brazil’s public health agency, as well as the Agriculture Ministry, have announced plans to …

Court Tells EPA to Ban Chlorpyrifos

Dan Environment, Industry News Release

A U.S. appeals court ordered the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ban chlorpyrifos within 60 days. The decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit reverses a Trump administration reversal of an Obama administration plan to impose a ban. Chlorpyrifos is used on cotton, corn, almonds and fruit trees including oranges, bananas and apples, to kill worms …

Global Food Prices Decline

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

Global food prices declined in July, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The Monthly Food Price Index averaged 168.8 points in July 2018, down 6.5 points , or 3.7 percent from June and 10.3 points from the corresponding period last year. The July decline marked the first significant month-to-month decrease in the value since December …

Farm Futures Survey: Farmer Support for Trump Slipping

Dan Economy, Industry News Release, Trade

A poll by Farm Futures shows support to Donald Trump from farmers is slipping. The survey found that 60 percent of farmers would vote for the president if the election were held today. That’s down from the 75 percent support level Trump received from growers in the 2016 election. Meanwhile, 24 percent said they would not vote for reelection and …