Farm, Ethanol Groups Urge President to Restore Integrity to RFS, Allow Year-Round E15 Sales

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

In a letter to President Trump, the American Farm Bureau Federation, National Corn Growers Association, National Farmers Union, National Sorghum Producers, American Coalition for Ethanol, Growth Energy, and Renewable Fuels Association urged the administration to act immediately to restore the integrity of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and allow year-round sales of E15 and other mid-level ethanol blends. The groups …

Farm Bill Extension Not Ruled Out

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Legislative

Getting a farm bill done before current law expires at the end of this month may not happen, as congressional leaders have not ruled out an extension. The 2014 farm bill expires on September 30th, and lawmakers have few days this week to iron out differences between the House and Senate versions of the new farm bill. Politico reports leaders …

NAFTA Main Sticking Point Indeed is Dairy

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release, Trade

Negotiators from Canada returned to Washington, D.C. Tuesday in an effort to reach a deal on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland joined U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer as the U.S. looks to wrap up talks with Canada quickly. However, talks are not expected the rest of the week with a looming hurricane along …

Indonesia and Australia Commit to Trade Agreement

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Indonesia and Australia last week concluded negotiations on the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement. The partnership deepens the trade ties between the countries, benefiting a multitude of industries, including agriculture. The National Pork Producers Council says the organization is pushing for full access to the Australian market, noting that pork is the largest U.S. agricultural export to Australia. However, NPPC …

2019 Farmland Rental Rates Expected Steady with 2018

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

Farmland rental rates are not expected to change much in 2019. A new forecast by Farmers National Company predicts cash rental rates for 2019 to stay the same as 2018, for the most part. The company notes that despite current low grain prices, many farmers had the opportunity to forward price corn and soybeans at similar or better prices than …

Hurricane Changes Fly-in Schedule for Ag Groups

Dan Industry News Release, Legislative, Pork, Weather

Hurricane Florence is adding another wrinkle to the farm bill process as farmers are being asked to return home Wednesday (09.12.18) as part of the National Pork Producers Council legislative fly-in. Pork producers this week were there to talk trade, the farm bill and labor issues with lawmakers, according to the Hagstrom Report. NPPC also seeks “proper regulatory authority for …

National Dairy Council New Product Competition Underway

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

The National Dairy Council New Product Competition seeks the next dairy product from college students across the United States and Canada. The eighth annual competition is for students to develop a dairy or dairy-based product to “satisfy consumers’ desire for performance nutrition.” A judging panel consisting of experts from across the dairy industry will award $16,000 in cash prizes, with …

Perdue Says NAFTA Must Include Dairy Fix

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release, Trade

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue says Canada must make changes to dairy trade with the United States as part of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) negotiations. Speaking on C-SPAN, Perdue said U.S. farmers don’t have the same access to Canada that Canada has to the U.S., specifically referring the Class 7 dairy products in Canada. Perdue says: “Class 7 …

Senate Ag Leaders Question USDA Reorganization

Dan Industry News Release

Leaders of the Senate Agriculture Committee are expressing concerns over the Department of Agriculture’s reorganization plans. Senators Pat Roberts and Debbie Stabenow wrote Secretary Sonny Perdue recently, noting that stakeholders have expressed concerns over the USDA plan to place economics functions under the Office of the Secretary and to move most of the employees of the Economic Research Service and …