Put Florida First and End the Shutdown

Dan Editorial, Industry News Release

As Americans, we have some basic, reasonable expectations. Among them: our food should be safe to eat, our businesses should be able to operate, our workers should be paid for their labor, and our government should function effectively. That shouldn’t be asking too much. Yet as the federal government shutdown extends past the four-week mark, even those basic expectations aren’t …

USDA to Reopen FSA Offices for Additional Services During Government Shutdown

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue today announced that all Farm Service Agency (FSA) offices nationwide will soon reopen to provide additional administrative services to farmers and ranchers during the lapse in federal funding. Certain FSA offices have been providing limited services for existing loans and tax documents since Jan. 17, and will continue to do so through Jan. 23.  Beginning Jan. 24, …

Younger Generation Bringing New Energy to UF/IFAS Master Gardeners

Dan Florida, Industry News Release

Program Celebrates 40 Years in Florida Angie Dixon, 38, was working long hours as a project manager, but would spend weekends trolling plant shows and local community gardens. Though she loved everything about plants, she knew nothing about gardening. “I figured gardening would be a cool activity to do with my 5-year-old son,” said Dixon, of Orlando. “So, I bought …

Applications Now Available for Pilot Industrial Hemp Production

Dan Alabama, Industry News Release, Specialty Crops

The Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries (ADAI) is now accepting applications from eligible producers, farmers and universities interested in growing industrial hemp.  ADAI is also accepting applications from prospective industrial hemp processors. In 2016, the Alabama Legislature passed the Alabama Industrial Hemp Research Program Act, Section 2-8-380 Code of Alabama 1975, tasking the ADAI with the development of a …

Shutdown Costly for USDA

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

The record-long partial government shutdown is likely to cost billions and has already hamstrung the nation’s 2-million or so farming operations. Everyone knows how tough it is to get back to work after a long absence. But if you’re USDA, with a huge backlog of farm program and other applications, implementing a farm bill, paying furloughed workers, and more, it’s daunting. …

Vilsack: Shutdown Impacts Could Last Years

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

The government shutdown could cause a ripple effect across the federal government for years, according to former Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. Vilsack recently told Politico that the effects could take years to realize, like the ramifications of pausing some Forest Service efforts to reduce fire hazards. Specifically, Vilsack said, “You may not see the consequences of this until August of …

Meat Inspectors, Price Reporting Staff Still On The Job

Dan Industry News Release, Livestock, Pork

In response to erroneous reports in the news and (mostly) on social media, the National Pork Producers Council is reminding pork producers and consumers that federal meat inspectors are working in meat packing plants despite the government shutdown. NPPC – and other livestock groups – a year ago urged Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue to deem as essential USDA Food Safety …

EU Won’t Include Agriculture In Trade Talks With U.S.

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The National Pork Producers Council said it cannot support a trade agreement between the United States and the European Union that does not include agriculture, after the European Commission today issued draft negotiating mandates to EU member states that doesn’t include talks on agriculture. “We are infuriated,” said NPPC President Jim Heimerl, a pork producer from Johnstown, Ohio. “The EU …

Fried Honored to Serve Florida Agriculture

Dan Florida, Industry News Release

Florida Commissioner of Agriculture makes the following statement to Florida agriculture producers, consumers and families. I’m so honored to serve as your 12th Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services! It’s been an exciting first two weeks as we start working to implement our bold agenda and fresh vision for Florida’s farmers, consumers, and families.  We’re working with our agriculture community to keep our second …

State, Plaintiffs Ask Court to Put Pot Case on Hold

Dan Florida, Industry News Release, Specialty Crops

Lawyers representing both sides in a lawsuit over the state’s ban on smoking medical marijuana have asked an appeals court to put the case on hold while they work out an agreement. The notice was filed at the 1st District Court of Appeal in Tallahassee, hours after Gov. Ron DeSantis on Thursday gave the Legislature until “mid-March” to repeal the …