USDA Makes Proposals

Dan General, Peanuts

The USDA has presented several proposals which may affect the peanut industry along with several other agricultural interests.  Tyron Spearman tells us what these proposals are and hnow they may affect us.  Report (1:15 wma)

COOL Soon to be a Topic Again

Randall Weiseman Cattle, General, Livestock

Country of Origin Labeling, according to David Ray with the American meat Institute, is something we will be hearing more and more about in the upcoming weeks.  Report (1:00 wma)

The Florida Report for May

Randall Weiseman Dairy, Florida, General, Nursery Crops

Kerry Herndon, owner of Kerry’s Bromeliad Nursery, and Louis E. “Red” Larson, founder of the Larson family’s dairies, will be featured on “The Florida Report” Wednesday, May 16, 2007 at 6:30 pm (EDT) on RFD-TV, the cable and satellite network devoted to rural issues and lifestyles. Kerry’s Bromeliad Nursery is one of the largest potted orchid complexes in the world. …

House Passes Disaster Aid

Randall Weiseman General

The US House of Representatives last week passed a separate appropriations bill dealing with agricultural disaster aid by a vote of 302-120 — enough votes to override a threatened presidential veto. The bill would provide $3.5 billion in agricultural disaster assistance for producers affected by various weather conditions over the past two years. Eligibility is based on whether producers carried …

Golden Plough for Saxby

Randall Weiseman General, Georgia

The American Farm Bureau Federation has honored Senator Saxby Chambliss of Georgia with the organization’s Golden Plough aware for his commitment to US agriculture. Report (1:00 wma)

Florida Wildfire Updates

Randall Weiseman Florida, Forestry, General, Livestock

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services is posting a wildfire update every morning at approximately 10:00 a.m. on the department’s main web page as well as the department’s Division of Forestry web page. This update will provide the latest information about major wildfires, including the number of acres burned and the percentage of containment of each fire, as …