Cathy Isom has some tips about how you can make your own hard apple cider from this year’s harvest. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. For anyone growing their own apples, it can be challenging keeping up with a fall harvest. Instead of the usual daily servings of this juicy fruit sliced and dipped in peanut butter …
Grow Your Own Mushrooms
Cathy Isom lets us know how mushrooms are an easy, vitamin-packed food you can grow at home. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. One of the easiest “grow it yourself” foods is the mushroom. There are several varieties, in fact, that can be grown at home. And why not? They are packed with B vitamins and …
Celebrate National Taco Day
Cathy Isom has another day to celebrate and fills us in about why taco sales could see a major spike today. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. It may no longer be Taco Tuesday, but I have a feeling that won’t make a difference since this year National Taco Day falls on a Wednesday. Last year, …
October is National Chili Month
Cathy Isom turns up the heat just a bit for October filling us in about a month-long celebration of one of America’s favorite fiery fares. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. Every year in October, for the entire month, America celebrates chili. The International Chili Society says that chili was popularized during the Gold Rush of the …
Methods for Building Fertile Soil
Cathy Isom tells us some of the best ways to build fertile soil for your garden. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. Your garden cannot thrive unless you have healthy, nutrient-rich soil for your plantings. There are many ways of building a fertile soil without the use of chemical fertilizers. First, always choose nitrogen-fixing plants …
National Coffee Day
Cathy Isom fills you in on why you might be inclined to have an extra cup of joe today. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. Whether it’s your first or your third cup of coffee, you should know today is National Coffee Day. So drink up! You might even find lots of coffee “specials”, or deals, …
Autumn Homesteading Activities
Autumn is a busy time in the world of homesteading. Cathy Isom gives you a list of the seasonal chores you’ll want to do right now to keep you on track for winter and spring. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. Some of the chores we do during Autumn will almost guarantee to keep us warm and …
Medicinal Plants to Grow at Home
Cathy Isom has a little advice for you about some medicinal plants you can grow right at home. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. If you could grow your own medicinal herbs in your own home, rather than buying them, why wouldn’t you? While most herbs are recognized as safe, you should always consult with your …
Weird and Wackiest Odd Jobs for Dogs
Cathy Isom continues her series on dogs by tells us some of the wackiest odd jobs for dogs on the farm. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. What may seem weird to us now, and in some cases cruel, wasn’t the case back then. Way back in time, that is. Dogs have had all sorts of ways …
Best Breeds for Livestock Guard Dogs
In Cathy Isom’s previous report, she told us about livestock guard dogs. Today’s report, Taylor Hillman, sitting in for Cathy, gives us a little information about the best breeds for Livestock Guard Dogs and where to find them. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. Not just any dog can take on the task of being a true work …