How to Use Eggshells and Coffee Grounds as Compost

Josh McGill This Land of Ours

One of the best supplements for your garden’s health is compost.  While we may consider them to be trash, they provide a healthy snack for plants offering a one-two punch of nitrogen and calcium.  The duo of used coffee grounds and eggshells are also helpful as mulch, an asset that liquid or powdered commercial fertilizer can’t offer. Rinse your eggshells …

The Basics for Building a Flower Bed

Josh McGill This Land of Ours

With a few basic steps, you can have more color, fragrance, and texture added to your landscape. First things first, where will it go? Along a deck or porch, underneath a tree, or around a garden feature. Then, how much sunlight will it get? Many popular bedding plants like annual flowers require full sun, which means a minimum of 6 …

Landscaping Ideas to Maximize Curb Appeal

Josh McGill This Land of Ours

Make your front yard more welcoming while improving the value of your home. First, consider the design and architecture of your home when you’re creating gardens around it. For example, a cottage style landscape compliments a country or farmhouse look while a spare, minimalist garden would set off a more modern building. Next, proportions should come into play in your …

Poisonous Plants in the Home

Josh McGill This Land of Ours

Houseplants add color, beauty, and life to our homes, but some plants should be grown with a little extra caution. Some plants are more toxic than others. Poisonous houseplants can cause skin irritations, stomach upsets, and burning of the mouth and throat.  Use care when growing and displaying these common poisonous plants in your home. Many spring bulbs, including hyacinths and …

You Should Keep a Garden Journal

Josh McGill This Land of Ours

Jotting down notes about the weather and keeping track of when your flowers bloom will help you enjoy your landscape more. When you start recording these botanical events, you’ll notice natural patterns from year to year. This info can help you choose plants and figure out when to time gardening chores, such as when to jump on those spring weeds. …

A Secret Weapon for Fighting Off Unwanted Pests in Your Garden

Josh McGill This Land of Ours

When it comes to your garden, you’ll likely also have to contend with hungry bugs that want to nibble your prized flowers or move into your lettuce patch. But now there’s a secret weapon to help deal with those uninvited critters, thanks to The Big Bug Hunt. This citizen science project aims to give you a heads-up when certain pests …

Plants You Can Grow to Feed Ducks

Josh McGill This Land of Ours

Ducks are versatile eaters that will happily munch on all kinds of food. Some basic options include bird seed, chicken feed, poultry grit, cracked corn, bugs, fruits & vegetables, grains, and supplements. But if you’re interested in being more self-sustaining on your homestead, you can grow your own duck feed.  Such as duckweed, it survives throughout the winter. It will …

Common Diseases that Can Dampen Your Summer Tomato Crops

Josh McGill This Land of Ours

The tomato plant disease known as late blight occurs during periods of cool, rainy weather that may come at the end of a growing season. It looks almost like frost damage on leaves, causing irregular green-black splotches. Fruits may have large, irregular-shaped brown blotches that quickly become rotten. This tomato plant disease fungus also affects potatoes and can be transferred …

Tomato Plant Diseases to Watch Out for this Summer

Josh McGill This Land of Ours

Nothing will ruin a tomato crop plant than diseases like leaf spots and blights that can pop up and ruin your garden party. Don’t let these potential problems scare you away, though. Growing healthy tomato plants is relatively simple when you plant disease-resistant varieties, space plants properly, mulch, and water at least 1 inch per week. Septoria leaf spots is …

Building a New Flower Bed

Josh McGill This Land of Ours

A new flower bed offers you the chance to get creative and fill it with whatever you can imagine. When you’re starting from scratch, there are a few things to consider first. Here are the questions you need to answer:  Where will it go? How much will sunlight will it get? What’s the soil like? Once you’ve chosen a site, …