Florida Agriculture Community to Complete Federal Farm Bill Feedback Survey

Dan Farm Bill, Florida, Legislative

(FDACS/Tallahassee, FL/July 15, 2022) — Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried is encouraging Florida’s producers, stakeholders in food and nutrition fields, and consumers to complete the U.S. House Agriculture Committee 2023 Farm Bill online feedback survey. Providing feedback is essential to inform federal representatives of the needs and interests of Florida’s agricultural community as Congress looks to enact major policies that will drive the food and nutrition systems for years to …

House Ag Leaders Seeking Farm Bill Feedback

Dan Farm Bill, Legislative

An integral part of the oversight and review process for future Farm Bills is getting direct input from producers, stakeholders, and consumers on how various programs are working for them. So, House Agriculture Committee Chairman David Scott and Republican Leader Glenn “GT” Thompson are offering the opportunity for the public to submit feedback and ideas online for the 2023 Farm …

Wheat Growers List 2023 Farm Bill Priorities

Dan Farm Bill, Legislative, Wheat

The National Association of Wheat Growers shared their priorities for the 2023 Farm Bill. As lawmakers continue putting the next farm bill together, wheat growers will be advocating for these priorities on Capitol Hill. The priorities include: Protecting crop insurance to ensure growers have a strong and reliable safety net assists wheat growers when it’s needed during disasters. They also …


NMPF’s Bleiberg: Farm Bill Cultivation Time Is Now

Dan Dairy, Farm Bill, Legislative

With Congressional hearings already taking place, many agricultural groups are discussing their priorities for the 2023 Farm Bill. And that includes the National Milk Producers Federation. NMPF Senior Vice President for Government Relations, Paul Bleiberg, updates where things currently stand in efforts to put together a new bill. But, with congressional elections and redistricting taking place in some areas, many worry …

House Agriculture Committee Discusses Dairy Farm Bill Programs

Dan Cattle, Dairy, Farm Bill, Legislative, Regulation

The House Agriculture Committee met Wednesday to discuss dairy provisions in the Farm Bill. House Agriculture Committee Chairman David Scott (D-GA) says while the creation of the Dairy Margin Coverage program in the last farm bill has provided beneficial improvements, lawmakers must continue to ensure the dairy industry has a safety net that works. “This program provides more comprehensive coverage …


Redding Talks New Farm Bill

Dan Farm Bill, Peanuts

One of the speakers at last week’s USA Peanut Congress was Bob Redding, executive director of the U.S. Peanut Federation. He told attendees that 151 members of Congress have never voted on a Farm Bill, and thus a lot of education must be done. Tyron Spearman has the story.

House Ag Subcommittee Discusses SNAP Benefits

Dan Farm Bill, Legislative, Regulation

The House Agriculture Subcommittee on Nutrition, Oversight, and Department Operations held a hearing on the Farm Bill last week, with a focus on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – or SNAP.  Food and nutrition programs account for more than 75 percent of the funds in the farm bill. Representative Salud Carbajal (D-CA) commented on the scrutiny given to SNAP applicants. …

Senator Boozman Discusses Farm Bill

Dan Farm Bill, Legislative

Legislators are turning their focus to preparing the next farm bill. Senate Agriculture Committee Ranking Member John Boozman (R-AR) says the farm bill is important because agriculture is important. “One of the problems that we got with agriculture is the fact that very few people are directly, or even indirectly, related to the farm,” he said. “It’s very different than …

Rep. Scott: Work on 2023 Farm Bill On Track

Josh McGill Farm Bill, Industry, Legislative

The 2018 Farm Bill faced months of delays that left the nation without farm bill programs from the expiration of the 2014 Farm Bill on September 30, 2018, until the bill was finally passed and signed by then-President Donald Trump in December 2018. The 2018 Farm Bill is set to expire next year and work is getting underway on the …

Right to Farm Bill in Georgia Moves On

Dan Farm Bill, Georgia, Legislative, Regulation

Week seven of the 2022 Georgia State Legislative Session was another busy one for lawmakers, but it was an exciting week for agriculture. At least that’s according to Georgia Agribusiness Council (GAC) President Will Bentley. He talks about an issue they’ve been watching closely and where it currently stands. To keep track of any of the bills during the 2022 …