Scientist Say U.S. Climate Boundary Shifting East

Dan Drought, Environment, Industry News Release

Scientist say a climate boundary separating the east and west United States discovered more than 100 years ago has shifted 140 miles east. In a report published by Columbia University, scientist say global warming has pushed the boundary east, and could have significant implications on farming in the region. Scientist say that due to global-scale wind patterns, to the west …

Agri View: Honeybee Update

Dan Agri View, Pollinators

Everett Griner talks about the honeybee battle still being fought in today’s Agri View. Honeybee Update Well, it has been a dozen years or more since the United States faced that series of problems that threatened to destroy our honeybee industry. Scientists have still not solved the problem, but, they have found a lot of things that have helped. One …

The Scope of Defining Sustainability in Ag

Dan Environment

No matter how it is described, most in the ag sector recognize the importance of sustainable practices in farming. Rod Bain has the story. The Scope of Defining Sustainability in Ag Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsNovember 1, 2024Nuseed Carinata Covers New GroundOctober 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024

Florida Ag Producers Invited to Cover Crop Tour

Dan Florida, Soil, USDA-NRCS

Florida agricultural producers are invited to take part in Cover Crop Tour, April 6 from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at the NRCS Brooksville Plant Material Center in Brooksville, Florida. USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service in Florida is offering free tour showcases that cover crop species to improve soil health. Florida Ag Producers Invited to Cover Crop Tour Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester …

Classic Gully Erosion Initiative Sign-Up in Alabama

Dan Alabama, Soil, USDA-NRCS

USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) State Conservationist for Alabama, Ben Malone, wants to make sure landowners across the state are aware of the new It will focus on scenarios where erosion has reached an advanced stage and interferes with farming operations, but sign-up for this program ends April 19, 2018. Classic Gully Erosion Initiative Sign-up in Alabama Sponsored ContentCIR …

Trump Administration to Revise EPA CAFE Standards

Dan Energy, Environment, Industry News Release

The Trump administration Monday announced it will revise fuel-efficiency and emissions regulations for cars and light trucks. Bloomberg News was the first to report the revision effort that the administration says is needed because the current regulations are too aggressive. The Environmental Protection Agency is also considering revoking a waiver for California to allow the state to set its own …

USDA Warns Dangerous Pests are Emerging, Adds Cherry Fruit Fly to Alert List

Dan Environment, Fruits, Industry News Release, Specialty Crops

April is “Invasive Plant Pest and Disease Awareness Month” It’s spring, which means many invasive Hungry Pests are emerging and will soon begin feeding on trees, plants and crops. These destructive species – which include the emerald ash borer, gypsy moth and citrus greening disease – cost the nation $40 billion each year in damages and expensive eradication and control …

Livestock Producers Pleased with Legislative Fix

Dan Cattle, Environment, Livestock

Many in the livestock industry were pleased to see the omnibus appropriations spending bill passed by Congress and signed by the President, as one of agriculture’s wins in that bill ended the court-ordered reporting of manure air emissions as Superfund events. The measure overrides the courts and exempts farmers from having to report manure air emissions as a Superfund emergency. …

Renewal Options Available for Expiring CSP Contracts

Dan Environment, USDA-NRCS

USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) wants to remind participants with existing Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) contracts that expire on December 31, 2018, you can renew those contracts for an additional five years. But the deadline to renew is April 13. Renewal Options Available for Expiring CSP Contracts Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsNovember 1, 2024Nuseed Carinata Covers New GroundOctober 1, …

Scott Signs Measure Targeting Invasive Species

Dan Environment, Florida, Industry News Release

Gov. Rick Scott has signed a bill aimed at reducing the number of pythons and other invasive species that cause damage in parts of the state, including the Everglades. The bill (SB 168), which Scott signed Friday after it was unanimously approved this month by the Legislature, sets up a pilot program targeting pythons and species such as tegu lizards …