E15 Challenges Ahead

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

President Donald Trump paved the path for year-round E15 sales this week, but the road ahead is promised to be challenging. The President directed the EPA to move forward with allowing year-round sales, but the National Wildlife Federation says the move is not allowed under the Clean Air Act. Collin O’Mara, president and CEO of the National Wildlife Federation says …

Secretary Perdue Statement on President Trump’s Ethanol Announcement

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue hailed President Trump’s directive to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to begin a rulemaking process to expand the sale of corn ethanol, to include E15 year-round.  Perdue issued the following statement: “This is another case of ‘Promises Made, Promises Kept’ for President Trump.  Expanding the sale of E15 year-round is sound policy for a variety of …

NCGA Welcomes Year-Round E15

Dan Corn, Energy, Industry News Release

National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) President Lynn Chrisp praised an announcement from President Trump, setting the necessary regulatory steps in motion to allow for year-round sales of E15. “Corn farmers across the country have been advocating for year-round sales of higher ethanol blends like E15 to help grow demand, provide consumers with more options at the pump and improve economic …

RFA Applauds President Trump’s E15 Announcement

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) applauds the announcement by President Donald Trump that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is beginning a formal rulemaking process to allow year-round sales of E15 nationwide. Currently, E15 (gasoline containing 15% ethanol) cannot be sold during the summer months in most of the country. The de facto summertime ban on E15 is the result of …

Bipartisan Support for Biodiesel Tax Incentive Extension

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The National Biodiesel Board is grateful for the 46 members of Congress who voiced strong support for a multi-year extension of the biodiesel tax incentive. The members of Congress represent states all the way from California to Connecticut, and they asked for a resolution in the coming weeks from House leadership. The biodiesel tax incentive was retroactively renewed for 2017 …

White House Considers Limits on Biofuel Trading for E15 Deal

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Three sources familiar with the discussion told Reuters that the Trump Administration is considering limits on trading biofuels credits. The goal would be to discourage speculation and reduce costs for oil refiners to comply with U.S. biofuels policy. The sources also told Reuters that an announcement could be made in the weeks ahead. The move would be part of a …

EPA RFS Waiver Website Doesn’t Include Justification

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

A new website by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) doesn’t satisfy all sides of the hardship waiver issue under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The National Corn Growers Association called the website a “good place to start,” but says there is “a lot of questions left unanswered.” The effectiveness of a website depends not only on its content but also …

EPA Releases RFS Waiver Information Online

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The agency says it granted 49 waivers in 2016 and 2017. Those waivers added up to 2.25 billion gallons in biofuels, which negatively affected roughly 800 million bushels of corn demand. Because of those waivers, the National Biodiesel Board says that amounted to a loss of 300 million gallons of biofuels. In a statement issued last week, Acting EPA Administrator …

Growth Energy Welcomes Congressional Support for Year-Round E15

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor thanks the 24 members of the House Biofuels Caucus for sending a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency asking them to approve year-round E15 and support the Renewable Fuels Standard. The letter also calls for the agency to “put an end” to the secretive refinery waivers that have “hurt farmers and the growth of ethanol.” …

RFA Statement on EPA Efforts to Provide Greater Transparency on RFS

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Acting EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler announced new efforts to provide greater transparency in the Renewable Identification Number (RIN) market, used to show compliance with annual Renewable Fuel Standard requirements. As part of this announcement, EPA said it will be providing aggregated annual data on small refiner exemptions, as well as waiver requests for current and future compliance years. RFA President …