Livestock Market Reports for Week Ended 09-09-2022

Dan Alabama, Beef, Cattle, Florida, Georgia

Here are the weekly livestock market reports for Alabama, Florida, and Georgia for the week ended September 9, 2022, compiled by the Livestock Market News Service for all three states. AL Livestock Market Report: At Alabama Livestock Auctions, for the week ended-September 9, 2022, receipts at 21 markets totaled an estimated 16,100 head compared to 13,186 last week and 16,508 …

Alabama Regional Forestry Field Day Coming to Mobile County

Dan Alabama, Forestry, USDA-NRCS

The 2022 Alabama Landowner Tours and Events continues, as a Treasurer Forest Tour will be held in Mobile County. Tim Albritton, state staff forester with USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Alabama, hopes landowners from across the state will be able to attend this event on October 6th. For those interested, please RSVP by September 28th by calling 251-441-6505 Ext 3. …

Promoting Alabama Beef During College Football Season

Dan Alabama, Alabama Cattlemen’s Association (ACA), Beef, Cattle

The Alabama Beef Checkoff is teaming up with a media group to get the beef message out to college football fans in the state. Alabama Cattlemen’s Association (ACA) Director of Communications, Kayla Greer, explains how this new promotion works. To learn more about Beef Checkoff promotions in Alabama, contact the ACA office in Montgomery at 334-265-1867. Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundJuly 15, 2024CIR …

Livestock Market Reports for Week Ended 09-02-2022

Dan Alabama, Cattle, Florida, Georgia

Here are the weekly livestock market reports for Alabama, Florida, and Georgia for the week ended September 2, 2022, compiled by the Livestock Market News Service for all three states. AL Livestock Market Report: At Alabama Livestock Auctions, for the week ended September 02, 2022, receipts at 21 markets totaled an estimated 13,200 head compared to 17,573 last week and …

A Healthy You, A Healthy Farm Hosted Mental Health Training in Troy

Dan Alabama, Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries (ADAI), Education

(ADAI/TROY, AL) — Leaders from several organizations across the state of Alabama participated in a QPR, (Question, Persuade, Refer) training hosted by the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries (ADAI). The trainings are a vital part of the A Healthy You, A Healthy Farm initiative. The Alabama Department of Mental Health, an essential partner in this initiative, is assisting in …

Alabama Cattleman Magazine Providing Information about Fall Sales

Dan Alabama, Alabama Cattlemen’s Association (ACA), Cattle

The Alabama Cattleman magazine is sent out each month to members of the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association (ACA), and provides a variety of information important to producers across the state. ACA Executive Vice President, Erin Beasley, wants you to be on the lookout in the magazine for various upcoming cattle sales in issues this fall. To learn more about the Alabama Cattleman magazine, contact their …

Livestock Market Reports for Week Ended 08-26-2022

Dan Alabama, Cattle, Florida, Georgia

Here are the weekly livestock market reports for Alabama, Florida, and Georgia for the week ended August 26 2022, compiled by the Livestock Market News Service for all three states. AL Livestock Market Report: At Alabama Livestock Auctions, for the week ended August 26, 2022, receipts at 21 markets totaled an estimated 17,600 head compared to 13,267 last week and …

ADAI Deadline for Century & Heritage Farm Applications is Aug. 26

Dan Alabama, Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries (ADAI)

A reminder from the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries (ADAI) that applications for their annual Century & Heritage (C & H) Farm and Bicentennial Farm programs are due Friday, August 26. ADAI created these programs to help recognize and celebrate family farms that have significantly impacted Alabama history and agriculture. A Century Farm is one that has been in the same …

Varying Conditions for Alabama Cotton Crop

Dan Alabama, Alabama Cooperative Extension System (ACES), Cotton

According to Alabama Cooperative Extension System (ACES), while parts of the cotton crop in the state have been affected by drought and heat, the lower coastal region of Southwest Alabama has received excessive rainfall. But, Cotton Agronomist Steve Brown notes this year’s Alabama cotton crop is still very promising. Southeast AgNet’s Randall Weiseman talked to Brown about how this year’s crop is great in some places, while …

Alabama Cattlemen Serve Ribeye Samples to Baseball Crowd

Dan Alabama, Alabama Cattlemen’s Association (ACA), Beef, Cattle

The Alabama Cattlemen’s Association (ACA) has been involved in a variety of events this summer, including a recent baseball game in Birmingham. ACA Director of Education and Outreach, Ali Cantrell, told Southeast AgNet’s Randall Weiseman it went really well and explains what they served at the Baron’s game. To learn more about Beef Checkoff promotions in Alabama, contact the ACA office in Montgomery …