AgNet Weekly: Rep John Duarte on the GATES Act

Sabrina Halvorson AgNet Weekly

The Growing Access to Environmental Sustainability (GATES) Act seeks to reduce barriers that producers face in accessing agricultural conservation programs. Congressman John Duarte, a farmer from California, is on the coalition behind the act. He says current adjusted gross income (AGI) limitations of $900,000 disproportionately limit producers with high input costs from participating in certain USDA conservation-focused programs. The congressman …

AgNet Weekly: Ethan Lane and Representative Victoria Spartz

Sabrina Halvorson AgNet Weekly

This week, Sabrina reported on a proposed amendment to the ag appropriations bill. The amendment states that none of the funds made available by the bill may be used to carry out commodity checkoff programs. Several industry groups came out against the amendment, and she spoke with a representative of one- Vice President of Government Affairs with the National Cattlemen’s …

AgNet Weekly: Curt Blades, AEM, Precision Agriculture Benefits

Sabrina Halvorson AgNet Weekly

Many people in farming already know the benefits of precision agriculture but Curt Blades, Senior Vice President of the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) says a new study by the association aims to help the public understand. Blades joins us this week to talk about the benefits of precision agriculture and precision ag in the farm bill.  Each week we …

AgNet Weekly: NAFB President Joe Gill on S1669, the AM Radio in Every Vehicle Act

Sabrina Halvorson AgNet Weekly

Some car makers have decided to not include AM radio in new vehicles. A number of groups have spent months fighting that decision, including emergency management organizations, former members of FEMA, and the National Association of Farm Broadcasters. NAFB president Joe Gill joins us this week to discuss why the organization believes this is an important issue. Each week we …

AgNet Weekly: Representative Doug LaMalfa on Farm Labor Working Group

Sabrina Halvorson AgNet Weekly

Congress is looking into farm labor needs around the nation, but it is a challenging task. The House Agriculture Committee recently announced the creation of the bipartisan Agricultural Labor Working Group, which will focus on the workforce issues faced by agricultural producers around the nation. Congressman and farmer Doug LaMalfa of California joins host Sabrina Halvorson to discuss the group …

AgNet Weekly: Dr. Margaret Worthington on New EPA Regulations for Gene Editing

Sabrina Halvorson AgNet Weekly

Fruit and vegetable plant breeders who use gene editing are now facing more regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA recently increased oversight of some gene-edited crops and added to the workload and waiting time for those breeders. Dr. Margaret Worthington is an Associate Professor of Horticulture at the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture and she believes …

AgNet Weekly: Rep Dan Kildee on Mexico, GMO Corn, and the USMCA

Sabrina Halvorson AgNet Weekly

Congressman Dan Kildee (D-MI-08) says if Mexico’s president wanted to restrict GMO corn from the U.S., the time to do that was more than three years ago, before he agreed to the terms of the US-Mexico-Canada trade agreement. Sabrina Halvorson talks with the congressman to get insight into the trade dispute. Each week we highlight essential legislative and policy conversations …

AgNet Weekly: Rebeckah Adcock, VP of US Government Relations, IFPA

Sabrina Halvorson AgNet Weekly

The Senate Ag Subcommittee on Food and Nutrition, Specialty Crops, Organics, and Research held a hearing June 7 on how the farm bill works for Specialty Crop producers. The Vice President of U.S. Government Relations at the International Fresh Produce Association, Rebeckah Adcock, was in attendance. She joined Sabrina Halvorson afterward to discuss the association’s message to lawmakers about the …

AgNet Weekly: Rep. Dan Kildee on Beagle Brigade Act

Sabrina Halvorson AgNet Weekly

He says it’s an act with a cute name and an important purpose. This week, Congressman Dan Kildee (D-MI) joins Sabrina Halvorson to talk about the Beagle Brigade Act and how it will benefit agriculture around the United States. Each week we highlight essential legislative and policy conversations affecting agriculture nationwide. Host Sabrina Halvorson is a 30-year media veteran known …