The Great Fall Season Escape

Gary Cooper Citrus, Florida, General, Georgia

It’s time again for the National Association of Farm Broadcasters convention in Kansas City, where I will be ending a two-year stint on the Board of Directors. One of the great pleasures of driving out each year is the stop over at Cousin Lee’s cabin at the foot of Lookout Mountain near Summerville Georgia, before moving on to hunt deer …

Grower Trials Reports 1, 2 & 3

Gary Cooper Citrus, Florida

Word about this new Grower Trials website is getting around. For convenience sake find listed below three reports posted so far. Click on the titles below to go to the post containing that original story. From there you can click on the icons within the story to read the specific Grower Trial, and follow other instructions like clicking on the …

Scattered Fed Cattle Sales

Randall Weiseman Cattle

So far there’s only been a few scattered fed cattle sales thus far this week, which actually surprises some in the industry.  Report (1:00 wma)

Low Production Causes Increase In Prices

Randall Weiseman Citrus

With an estimated 135 million boxes for this years orange crop, companies including PepsiCo Inc., and Coca Cola are having to increase prices. Although this is not good in the consumer’s eye, growers may have the best returns they’ve seen in years. Report (2:00 wma)

Alabama Organic Conference

Randall Weiseman General

Alabama vegetable and fruit growers interested in growing organically can get some production and marketing tips from horticulture experts and veteran organic farmers next Tuesday in Clanton at the fourth annual Organic Vegetable Production Conference. Registration is available on-line. Report (1:00 wma)

Ron Sparks Pleased to Serve Alabama Agriculture

Randall Weiseman Alabama, General, Livestock

It’s 4 more years for Alabama Commissioner of Agriculture Ron Sparks, who says he is pleased to serve and protect the state’s important industry. Report (1:00 wma) Sparks says he ran a good campaign, now he’s focused on the future. Report (1:00 wma)